Spelunking Technologies Joel Martin Jean Mohammadi-Aragh Alfred Nuzzolo August 28, 2001 CPE Senior Design I
People Joel Martin Jean Mohammadi-Aragh Alfred Nuzzolo Dr. Robert Moorhead (Advisor)
Project Build a 3D model of MSU in the CAVE Build a better interface to control movement in the CAVE
CAVE? CAVE: “CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment” It is a room-sized visualization tool that allows users to view scenes in 3D Programs are run on Bob
What About BOB? Bob is an SGI Onyx2 Infinite Reality server Bob has: 2 infinite reality graphics pipes 8 processor (250MHz R10000) 4 Gigabytes of RAM 200 Gigabytes of Disk
Goals Map outsides of all buildings on campus Map the inside of at least one building Build hardware to allow the user to navigate the model of campus using a PS2 or N64 controller interfaced to existing hardware Consider the feasibility of a wireless controller and implement one if possible Graduate :-)