Key Issue #4: Why Do Territorial Conflicts Arise Among Religious Groups? Religion vs. Social Change o Many LDCs may view economic development as in opposition to their faith and traditional values o Taliban vs. Western values (Sharia law vs. secularism) Ruled Afghanistan – overthrown by U.S. but still a force in the country Islamic fundamentalists have led Islamic Knowledge Movement since 600s AD Strict laws – men beaten for shaving, people stoned for adultery, homosexuals burned alive, prostitutes hanged, thieves’ hands cut off, women with fingernail polish lost their fingers (based on misinterpretation of Qu’ran) Banned Western values & activities (Internet, soccer, kite-flying, TV, music) o Hinduism vs. Social Equality Caste system – possibly began in 1500 BC with Aryan invasion of India ①Brahmans – priests, government ②Kshatriyas – warriors ③Vaisyas – merchants ④Shudras – artisans/craftsmen & farmers ⑤Untouchables – indigenous prior to invasion; relegated to undesirable work Many subclasses within each major class Challenged by British Empire in 1800s; now less strict India’s gov’t doing away with castes, but people are still conscious of it
Key Issue #4: Why Do Territorial Conflicts Arise Among Religious Groups? Religion vs. Communism o Eastern Europe & USSR and Asia (China, N. Korea, SE Asia) o USSR vs. Eastern Orthodox & Islam Eastern Orthodox made part of Russian gov’t by Czar Peter the Great (1721) Bolshevik Revolution brought Communism in 1917 Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, & other Communists saw religion as dumb, evil & an enemy of the state Destroyed organized religion, but beliefs persisted – religion dwindled, youth grew up without religion, religious groups not a part of daily life Roman Catholicism suppressed in communist Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, Croatia Islam suppressed in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, & Kyrgyzstan o Southeast Asia vs. Buddhism Affected by war in Vietnam (against French then U.S.) Communists, French, and U.S. were not sympathetic to Buddhists Air strikes by U.S., vandalism by Communists Khmer Rouge suppressed Buddhism in Cambodia & neglected shrines such as Angkor Wat Buddhist monks burned themselves publicly in protest In China – communism suppresses religion, particularly Buddhism in Tibet (Dalai Lama in exile)
Key Issue #4: Why Do Territorial Conflicts Arise Among Religious Groups? Religion vs. Religion o Ireland o Republic of Ireland (5/6 of island) – 92% Catholic o Northern Ireland (1/6) – part of UK, 58% Protestant, 42% Catholic o All part of U.K. until 1921 (civil war) & 1937 independence o Irish felt mistreated by English majority in U.K. o 6 northern counties voted to remain with U.K. o Catholics in Northern Ireland are discriminated against o IRA (Irish Republican Army) – militant group wanting to unite all of Ireland; considered terrorists by some o UDF (Ulster Defense Front) – militant Protestant group opposing IRA; considered terrorists by some o Most Irish are willing to live peacefully (1999 peace agreement) o Middle East o Islam, Christianity, & Judaism at crossroads (origin, beliefs, sacred sites) o Promised Land (Palestine) for Jews – dispersed by 70 AD; land occupied by Muslim Arabs for over 1,000 years o Jerusalem a holy city for all 3 faiths o Some Christians believe Jews should occupy Holy Lands o Many Westerners are wary of Muslims & view Jews as more assimilated with Western customs
Key Issue #4: Why Do Territorial Conflicts Arise Among Religious Groups? Religion vs. Religion o Crusades in Middle East o Muslim Arabs in s AD conquered much of N. Africa & Middle East from Byzantine Empire (Eastern Orthodox) o Crusades – Christian attempt to reclaim the Holy Lands from Muslims (1000s – 1200s AD; approx. 150 years) o Ottoman Turks (Muslims) captured Constantinople in 1453 & renamed the city Istanbul o Palestinian Conflict o Palestine controlled by Arabs for centuries then Ottoman Turks o Became British mandate after WWI (Ottomans lost war) o Britain allowed Jews to enter Palestine o WWII & Holocaust – Palestine divided by United Nations (UN) into separate Jewish & Arab portions with Jerusalem run by UN o Jews declared independent state of Israel in ; Arabs declared war o More wars with neighboring Arab countries in 1956, 1967 (Six Days War), 1973 – Israel captures West Bank from Jordan, Golan Heights from Syria, and Gaza Strip & Sinai Peninsula from Egypt o Peace between Egypt & Israel 1979 – Sinai returned to Egypt but not Gaza o Anwar Sadat (Egyptian who signed peace) assassinated by Muslims who did not agree o UN acknowledges Palestinian statehood (2012)
Key Issue #4: Why Do Territorial Conflicts Arise Among Religious Groups? Religion vs. Religion o Palestinian Perspectives o Many forced out of their homes – refugees to Syria, Lebanon, & Jordan o Jews encouraged settlement in captured territories – viewed as hostility by Palestinians o PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) o Limited government allowed by Israel in Gaza & West Bank (Palestine Authority) o Fatah Party – will recognize Israel if 1967 territory returned and settlements dismantled o Hamas Party – will not recognize Israel; want all territory; considered terrorists by many o Israeli Perspectives o Very close to enemy territory; small nation; needs land for security buffer from Muslim countries around it o Barrier built in West Bank – restrict movement of Palestinians through territories o Jews divided over how to deal with Palestinians o Attacks against Jews & Muslims continue from both sides o Palestinians revolt against Jewish military/police; suicide bombings by Palestinians in public places like markets o Former temple lies in ruins and is now the site of a mosque (Dome of the Rock) – non-Muslims only have limited access to former temple site (Western/Wailing Wall)