HF Calibration coefficients (from Data and DB) Status Report Murat Ali Guler, Kadir Ocalan (METU)‏ Ferhat Ozok, Kerem Cankocak (Iowa)‏ HF meeting 29 July.


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Presentation transcript:

HF Calibration coefficients (from Data and DB) Status Report Murat Ali Guler, Kadir Ocalan (METU)‏ Ferhat Ozok, Kerem Cankocak (Iowa)‏ HF meeting 29 July 2008

Electromagnetic Channel Hadronic Channel LED data Run 977

Electromagnetic Channel Hadronic Channel Source Data Gains from DBS

Electromagnetic Channel Hadronic Channel

Electromagnetic Channel Hadronic Channel  = 33,35,38,39,  =3  = 40,  =63,67  = 32,38,39,40  =3  = 40  =63,67

Low intensity LED Run (1350 V)‏ SPE i : the single photoelectron response C i =( * SPE i ) -1 ~ 0.28/GeV calib.cefff ~1/gain

Rechit occupancies from Cruzet 3 data

HF Rechits in Cruzet 3 data

Jet construction in Cruzet3

LED run Low RMS

(SPE V2 /SPE V1 )=(V2/V1)   = 5.08 Comparison of gains at different HV

Electromagnetic Channe l Hadronic Channel C 1100 /C 1150 Comparison of the calib Coefficients which are in DB

C 1100 /C 1250

C 1100 /C 1350

C 1150 /C 1250

C 1150 /C 1350

C 1250 /C 1350

Next step: - we need more data (Low intensity LED runs) for HFM (and also HFP)‏ - more analysis of Cruzet data -

Backup slides

Validation studies for HF Calibration Documentation of Single Photoelectron Peak measurements and source for the calibration: CMS IN 2006/037; 9'th ICATTP, World Scientiic pp (2006); CMS IN 2006/044; CMS IN 2006/045; CMS IN 2006/138; CMS IN 2007/012 ;CMS IN 2007/018; CMS IN-2008/015; and more.. Preliminary results from - SPE vs Data Base comparison - analysis of HF LED runs using SPE gains and Data Base gains -Cosmic ray data analysis calib. coefficients in DB 1150V gain ratio PMT(1250V)/PMT(1150V) =1.5 calib.cefff ~1/gain calib.cefff ~1/gain calib. coeff(1250V) = calib.coeff(1150V) * 0.66

HF- hadronic channels HF+ hadronic channels HF Calibration coefficients from Data Base (GeV/fC) frontier://Frontier/CMS_COND_20X_HCAL HF- electromagnetic channels HF+ electromagnetic channels Mean ~0.22 GeV/fC RMS ~0.06 GeV/fC Mean ~0.20 GeV/fC RMS ~0.04 GeV/fC Mean ~0.35 GeV/fC RMS ~0.09 GeV/fC Mean ~0.31 GeV/fC RMS ~0.06 GeV/fC

Electromagnetic channels (long fibers)‏ Hadronic channels (short fibers)‏ Comparison of the calibration constants (C i ) of LED and DB gains (C_src)‏ C i = ( * SPE i ) -1 where is the mean number of generated photoelectrons/GeV and SPE i is the single photoelectron response of the ith channel (similar method as in CMS IN 2007/018)‏ ~ 0.28/GeV from analysis of 100 GeV electron data taken in 2004 test beam. HF+ Run 977 (100 K events) at low LED intensity (1350 V)‏

Electromagnetic channels Hadronic channels Mean = 0.92 RMS=0.12 Mean = 0.91 RMS=0.12

RMS ~ 0.48 GeV RMS ~ 0.75 GeV RMS ~ 0.68 GeV RMS ~ 0.43 GeV Cruzet 3 Run (CSC, DT, HCAL trigger)‏

HF Calibration coefficients from Data Base frontier://Frontier/CMS_COND_20X_HCAL Electromagnetic channels (long fibers)‏ Cruzet 3 run (Shift in binning !)‏ Reflections of the gains in the cosmic muon data

HF Calibration coefficients from Data Base frontier://Frontier/CMS_COND_20X_HCAL hadronic channels (short fibers)‏ Cruzet 3 run (Shift in binning !)‏ Reflections of the gains in the cosmic muon data