J ANUARY 5 TH -9 TH W ARM - UPS Happy New Year!
M ONDAY, J ANUARY 5 TH W ARM - UP The answer to each set of clues are homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently). The first one has been done for you. 1. Curve ARC Biblical boat ARK 2. Insensitive……………...hardened skin 3. To sell………………….part of a bike 4. Pronoun……………….female sheep 5. Flew high………………sharp blade 6. To rule (a country)…….precipitation 7. Encounter…………..…a steak 8. Church song…….…….pronoun 9. Quick look……………mountaintop 10. Run away………………insect 11. Authentic………………winding device 12. Vegetable……………….to strike or hit 13. Carry……………………passageway 14. Atmosphere……………someone who inherits something 15. Confusing paths………….corn
T UESDAY, J ANUARY 6 TH W ARM - UP Each clue below suggests a word that ends with the letters A- T-E. The first one has been done for you. 1. Act like someone else IMIT ATE 2. To supply with water 3. To make angry 4. To turn into vapor 5. To complete high school 6. To find 7. A favorite flavor 8. You do this on ice 9. To ornament or adorn 10. To pause briefly 11. To split apart 12. To make or invent 13. Having a backbone 14. Free from error 15. Mathematical guess
W EDNESDAY, J ANUARY 7 TH W ARM - UPS Read each set of clues below. After figuring out the first word, just rearrange the letters to form the second word. The first one has been done for you. 1. long, thin stem VINE carries blood VEIN 2. A smile………………..…..piece of jewelry 3. To run and play……….…high school dance 4. Aching…………….………a flower 5. Alike………………..……..line made by sewing 6. To salvage………..……….ornamental jar 7. To slide………..…….…….slang for children 8. Written message………….quality of sound 9. Walking stick……….…….pimples 10. To boast……………………to take rapidly
T HURSDAY, J ANUARY 8 TH W ARM - UP By reading either clockwise or counterclockwise, you will find a commonly used 8 letter word in each circle below. After finding the word, tell whether it is a noun, verb, adjective, adverb or pronoun.
F RIDAY, J ANUARY 9 TH W ARM - UP 1. Name the canal that links the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. 2. Joan of Arc died in her sleep at the age of 47. True or false? 3. What is the hero of a story or play called? 4. In colonial times, what were the people who made horseshoes called? 5. How many zeros are in the number fifty billion? 6. Which is a close relative of the yak: a cow, a horse or a buffalo? 7. What modern day capital city was also the capital of the Greek Empire? 8. Which civilization came first: Babylon, Sumer of Syria? 9. Add a prefix to “legal” to form its opposite. 10. Which state is known as “the Peach State”?