NCLB HQ Reporting October 17, 2011
NCLB HQ Reporting NCWISE: Who is teaching the course Who are the students being taught the course and their level of study What courses are being taught What academic level is the course When is the course taught Where is the course being taught
NCLB HQ Reporting The available Course Numbers for a school year may be found in the “Course Utility Database” accessible thru the NCWISE website ( Select the Course Utility Database in the drop down that says Software Applications: and click Go.
NCLB HQ Reporting SAR Data Collection Process Data approved & extracted from NCWISE. 1 st SAR data extraction occurs at end of school’s 2 nd month (around mid-October). Edited by DPI & Exception reports returned to LEAs/charters. Corrections made by schools in NCWISE & data approved & extracted again. Process continues until every LEA’s & charter’s data is correct & complete or until DPI decides to end SAR collection for school year.
NCLB HQ Reporting What are Core Subjects? English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art and Music What are Core EC Types? AU-Autistic; CC-Cross-categorical; DB-Deaf/Blind; DD- Developmentally Delayed; DF-Deafness; ED-Emotionally Disabled; HI-Hearing Impaired; IDMI-Intellectual Disability (Mild); IDMO-Intellectual Disability (Moderate); IDSE- Intellectual Disability (Severe); LD-Learning Disabled; MU- Multi-handicapped; VI-Visually Impaired
NCLB HQ Reporting How is a class deemed an EC class? Academic level is 0 (Special Education) 80% or more EC students in the class How is an EC class taught at the elementary level (K-6) deemed HQ? A teacher must be HQ in an EC license area that covers at least one exceptionality represented by the students in the class.
NCLB HQ Reporting How is an EC class taught at the middle/high school level (7-12) deemed HQ? A teacher must be HQ in an EC license area that covers at least one exceptionality represented by the students in the class and a teacher must be HQ in the grade level of the subject content.
NCLB HQ Reporting Team Teaching Coded in NCWISE by listing both teachers’ names in the Teacher 1 and Teacher 2 fields on the Course Section Maintenance screen Equal responsibility in the classroom Co-Teaching (Inclusion Teacher, Cooperative Teacher, Curriculum Assistant) Co-teachers are coded in NCWISE on the Other Staff screen accessed through the Course Section Maintenance screen
NCLB HQ Reporting In terms of HQ: What’s the difference? Team teachers are both analyzed. If one or both teachers make the class HQ, then the class is deemed HQ. Teachers coded as Other staff in NCWISE are not analyzed for HQ.
NCLB HQ Reporting EC Extend Subjects 93xx are for high school 94xx are for middle school Students in these subjects do not need content above the 6 th grade level Require an HQ EC license area to match one child’s exceptionality in the class
NCLB HQ Reporting Other Rules If you code a class as a “X” for high school and 51% or more students in the class are coded as grade level 6-9, then the class is deemed a 9 th grade class. A 6-9 or 9-12 content license area following the crosswalk can cover content of the class. If you code a class as a “Y” for middle school and 51% or more students in the class are coded as grade level K-6, then a K-6 or 6-9 license area can cover the class.
NCLB HQ Reporting Common Questions How does an EC student get coded as Cross- categorical (CC)? If you assigned a student to a class that is coded as EC or deemed EC, but you did not indicate an exceptionality for the student in NCWISE, then the student is evaluated as CC for the purposes of NCLB HQ Reporting.
NCLB HQ Reporting OCS Classes: What options do I have? Team Teach the class with an HQ EC teacher that matches the exceptionality of at least one student in the class and an HQ subject teacher or an NCVPS subject teacher. Praxis test or by completing 24 semester hours in the subject area with a grade of “C” or better in the subject area.
NCLB HQ Reporting
According to SBE policy, Licensure should not automatically add middle grades areas when someone takes and passes a secondary content area.
NCLB HQ Reporting Dates to Remember SAR Closes Final HQ Documentation sent to Nadine’s attention by August 1st Final Reload of NCLB Data August HQ Report close August 31 st
How to Reach Us Sandra Johnson (SAR Reporting & NCWISE Coding) (919) Cathy Rouse (SAR Reporting & NCLB Crosswalks) (919) Mark Cramer (HRMS, Licensure & NCLB HQ) (919)