Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Proposal Mapping Europes Environmental Future & Swiss Presentation of GMT FLIS Webinar 29 April 2015 Economics and Environmental Monitoring Division
2 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer Visions & Goals on European and national level To manage transitions we need to have an idea what we can influence respectively what is influencing us now and in the future EU targets … 7th Environment Action Programme … national strategies
3 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer Enhancing the knowledge base to support transitions “Improving Europe's responses to global megatrends also depends on credible information on possible future developments and choices in the face of global risks and uncertainties. Better information is needed to mainstream long-term and global perspectives into policy” (SOER, State and Outlook 2015). But how must “better information” look like? We assume that: Stakeholder like politicians, executive managers within administration, NGO etc. need a dashboard for orientation. The information must be presented in an easy readable way (colors, symbols). Only when we have a perception of what GMT mean on a local level (regions, member states) there will be a maximal awareness to take action. EIONET is a unique knowledge network – missing pieces of the puzzle may be found in countries/regions with similar characteristics
4 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer SOER2015 Synthesis report Strongly aggregated messages for Europe … with traffic lights! national drivers GMT/ Which methodology has been applied? Expert consultation?
5 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer But what does it mean on national / regional level?
6 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer Project Mapping Europes Environmental Future Regional differentiation of GMT impacts for European countries/regions for now and the future Development of a methodology within FLIS that can be applied by EEA-MS Best synergies due to EIONET Output Easy readable maps Documentation of results Guidelines for methodology published by EEA-FLIS
7 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer Methodology – many open questions How can existing information/data/indicators be used? GMT influence with a certain reliability a vast number of phenomena we observe – hence they should also be visible in (environmental) data records & indicators on regional/national level. How shall explorative expert opinions be integrated? Which ‘subset’ of information will characterize a GMT? How shall the information be presented? NRC FLIS expert meeting 21/23 May 2015 Explore first pathes towards an applicable methodology
8 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer Take a breath – lean back… we show you how Switzerland’s first attempt to present GMT at national level looks like … No perfect song yet, just a try to put together existing lyrics and melodies…
9 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer GMT Analysis Switzerland: Objectives Lead questions: How do GMT affect Switzerland? Is there data for Switzerland reflecting the GMT? How are the national indicators linked to the GMT? Can we observe similar trends in data on national and global level? How can we tell the story? What elements are important for the GMT? Can we apply the DPSIR framwork?
10 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer Mind map on ecological GMT: What elements are important? How are they related to DPSI(R)? The story: Mind map and DPSIR Environmental domains Human activities Anthroposphere DPSI Questions and related Datasets
11 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer The Data: Start with linking what is available! Linking global datasets and Swiss indicators to GMT National indicator system as a source ( html?lang=en) html?lang=en UNEP-EDE as a source for global data ( OECD 2050 Outlook as a source for forward looking datasets
12 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer GMT Switzerland Website
13 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer GMT Switzerland Website DPSI (R) Analysis Interpretation of the Swiss situation Link to indicators Link to EDE Datasets
14 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer GMT Switzerland Website National indicators Global datasets
15 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer Wanted: Methodology… Our analysis focuses on today’s situation is limited to data available involves no in-depth DPSIR- analysis or complete model involves no analysis of future trends shows comparison to European level doesn’t list data gaps …but is still a valid starting point taking into account existing indicator work! What we need: A shared, pragmatic and straight-forward methodology that can be applied to form existing data and indicators into hints about the future
16 FLIS-Webinar 29 April 2015 Karin Fink & Klaus Kammer How we immagine next steps regarding the ‘Mapping Proposal’ Planning 2015 TaskDateResponsibility Informal Contact with FLIS experts (+interested NRC SOE experts) Until mid- march 2015 Switzerland (KK) 2 nd draft project proposal End of march 2015 Switzerland (KK, FK) Webinar, with FLIS Group on suggestion for methodology on impacts of GMT: End April 2015 EEA, ETC WGE CH input 3 rd draft of project proposal on methodology including webinar input Beginning May 2015 Switzerland/ EEA Project presentation and discussion on possible further FLIS input and cooperation at the NRC FLIS expert meeting May 2015 May 2015CH Contract with external support for methodology development Mai 2015Switzerland First testing phase of methodology (few interested countries “Core Group”) Aug-Sept 2015Switzerland, Core Group, EEA Small workshop with participating countries in first testing phase, “Core Group” (also preparation of input to NRC FLIS annual meeting) – potential to link/organize jointly with one of the national GMT workshops (?) Sept 2015Switzerland, Core Group Insert available input in Forward-looking information platform tools Sept-Oct 2015EEA, ETC WGE NRC FLIS annual meeting and GMT expert workshop – presenting ‘state of art’ (methodology, results of pilot countries). Decision of go/no go - involve more interested countries November 2015 EEA, CH input Refinement of methodology with external contractor December January 2016 Switzerland, “Core Group”