Are you real or make-believe? Unit Portfolio Presentation Jacqueline Tancos Quit
Unit Summary Snow White, Shrek, Barney the Purple Dinosaur! Barak Obama, Mrs. Tancos, Mr. Holmes! What is real, what is Make-Believe? During this unit *students will learn to identify if a story is real or make-believe. *Students will identify real or make-believe places, people…and give at least one reason as to why.
What we learn will be real! This project will help my students develop 21st century skills by: Communicating and Collaborating with peers Assembling information to identify what is real and what is make-believe Creating slides for a presentation identifying real and make-believe and telling why Understanding that real information can be used in make believe stories
Goals for the course Find ways to get my students to collaborate effectively and on task Learn about Real and Make-Believe Share ideas with other colleagues
Curriculum Framing Questions Essential Question: How do we tell the difference? Unit Questions: How can we tell the difference between real and pretend? How does the writer use words to help us tell if something is real or pretend? Content Questions: What makes a character real or pretend? What is fact and what is fiction in the story?
Gauging Student Needs Assessments What I want to learn from my students? I want to discover what my students know about reality and fantasy I want to learn their ideas of what makes something real or fantasy I want to learn if my students understand that a make-believe character can have realistic things about it I want to learn if my students know how to work cooperatively with others
How will I use the assessment information? Based on student response, I will have a basis of where to start the unit. Before I even introduce the concept of real or make-believe I may need to teach how to work in cooperative groups. Student responses will also guide me in which stories I choose based on understanding and interests. Student response will guide me on which strategies to use to provide understanding.
I hope you have enjoyed our journey between reality and fantasy! I am always open to comments and new ideas. If you have any suggestions for stories to use, or projects to complete please feel free to share with me! THANK YOU!