Pertemuan 11 Materi : –Understanding Content management Concept and Application Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi : –Turban, Efraim, David King, Jae Lee and Dennis Viehland (2004). Electronic Commerce. A Managerial Perspective, Prentice Hall. Bab 14
Content Generation, Syndication, Delivery, and Management Dynamic Web content: Content at a Web site that needs to be changed continually to keep it up to date Measuring content quality –metrics to control the quality of online content –meet privacy requirements, copyright and other legal requirements, language translation needs
Content Generation, Syndication, Delivery, and Management Pitfalls of content management –Picking content management software before developing solid requirements and business case –Not getting a clear mandate from the top to proceed –Underestimating integration and professional service needs
Content Generation, Syndication, Delivery, and Management –Hiring inexperienced developers to integrate and extend the software –Depending entirely on an outside company to make changes to the system –Thinking your migration will be painless despite what the content management system provider tells you
Content Generation, Syndication, Delivery, and Management Web content management: The process of collecting, publishing, revising, and removing content from a Web site to keep content fresh, accurate, compelling, and credible
Content Generation, Syndication, Delivery, and Management Content delivery networks Update content, improve the quality of the site, increase consistency, control content, and decrease the time needed to create or maintain a site
Content Generation, Syndication, Delivery, and Management Catalog content management –Do it yourself –Let the suppliers do it –Buy the content from an aggregator –Subscribe to a vertical exchange –Outsource to a full-service Internet exchange
Content Generation, Syndication, Delivery, and Management Content translation to other languages –The primary problems with language customization cost speed –It takes a human translator about a week to translate a medium-size Web site into just one language
Content Generation, Syndication, Delivery, Management Content maximization and streaming services Media-rich content Video clips Music Flash media –Major concern is the download time
Other EC Support Services Consulting services Experts in guiding their clients through the maze of legal, technical, strategic, and operational problems and decisions that must be addressed in order to ensure success
Consulting Services –Provide expertise in the area of EC, but not in traditional business (specialized expertise) –Traditional consulting company that maintains divisions that focus on EC –Select experienced and competent consulting firm, with sufficient synergies with the client firm
Other EC Support Services Directory services –list companies by categories –provide links to companies –provide special search engines –value-added services like matching buyers and sellers are available