Podcasts : Where do you get ‘em? Kel Hathaway Thea van Os Assistm Project May 2009 "This material has been developed as a part of the Australian School Innovation in Science, Technology and Mathematics Project funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Training as a part of the Boosting Innovation in Science, Technology and Mathematics Teaching (BISTMT) Programme."
Communicating in 1970
Communicating in 2000
Web students as consumers
Web Students consume and produce "First we thought the computer was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII - and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide Web, we've realized it's a brochure.” Douglas Adams ( )
Web students produce and interact
Digital teenagers
Digital kids
Digital toddler
Digital baby
Digital pre born
Hits returned by Google on the word “podcast” Sept Oct Nov June Sept Sept
What makes a podcast different to other digital media? Traditionally, to get a newspaper you had to go to the shop to collect it A podcasted newspaper would not only be home delivered but would appear inside your house on your table even if you are not home
Definitions Podcast(ing) - The distribution of digital files over the Internet using a syndication feed Podcast ready media - An audio or video file in a format that is able to be sent as a Podcast - Vodcast - Video Podcast - Vidcast Podcaster - A person who creates a Podcast RSS - The data format used to distribute updated blog or Podcast content Podcatcher - Software that receives syndicated Podcasts, eg iTunes Aggregator - Checks for new content on sites you have subscribed to
Podcast consumer survey 2008 Podcast Report -
Podcast consumers age
Downloadable media
Television viewing
Podcast consumers research 01
What is the educational value of podcasts? “Creating a podcast allows students to share learning experiences. It provides them with a world-wide audience that makes learning meaningful and assessment authentic. Teachers can use the technology to provide additional and revision material to students to download and review at a time that suits them. The flexibility that such time-shifting offers makes podcasting a valuable educational tool.” WA Dept Education & Training
What is the educational value of podcasts? Appeals to diverse learning needs Kinesthetic Visual – vodcasts Auditory Potential for anywhere anytime learning Assists students with special learning needs Engage the Digital Learner Can extend students
Podcast Development cycle
How do we leverage the educational value of Podcasts? A Professional Learning tool An Instructional tool A Construction tool
Blooms Taxonomy Good podcasts don’t live at the bottom of Bloom’s Taxonomy
What is the educational value of podcasts? Integrating in the Science Curriculum….
Educational Podcast sites iTunes Educational Podcast Network Podcast Directory Australian Podcast Directory iPod in Education UK Podcasts for Educators Edna Podcasting in Education Room 208 Podkids Australia Tech Savvy Girlz Douchy’s Biology Podcast
iTunes Music Store
iTunes U iTunes K-12
National Geographic podcasts
Scientific American
NECC Podcast wiki
Other podcast sites Podcast Alley Podcasting News Podcast 411 iLounge iPod Hacks Podfeed.Net Podcast Shuffle Digital Podcast Podcast Awards Podcast TV Australia Podbean
How to subscribe to a podcast
Podcasts as a teaching and learning tool
Websites mentioned in this presentation ABC - Australian Podcast Directory - www podcastdirectory.com.au Douchy’s Biology Podcast - biologyoracle.podomatic.com Edugator - Digital Podcast - Edna - Educational Podcast Network - epnweb.org/index.php iLounge - iPod Hacks - iPod in Education - iTunes - Mabry Middle School - mabryonline.org NASA - National Geographic - NECC center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2008/ Podbean - Podcast Podcast Alley - Podcast Awards - podcastawards.com Podcast Directory - Podcast Shuffle - Podcast TV Australia - podcasttvaustralia.com Podcasting for the Beginner (NECC wiki) - podcastingforbeginners.wikispaces.com Podcasting in Education - chatt.hdsb.ca/~magps/boylit/Podcasting+in+Education Podcasting News - Podfeed.Net - Podkids Australia - Room bobsprankle.com/blog Scientific American - Tech Savvy Girlz - web.mac.com/tntnzing/techsavvygirlz/Home.html UK Podcasts for Educators - recap.ltd.uk/podcasting/ Wikipedia -
Internet Podcast Wizards
Podcasting and Education: Who’s using podcasting in education? Educational Podcasting: Learning in Hand: Poducate Me: Exmples of Podcasts in schools: Podcasts in the Classroom: Educational Podcasting: Google Scholar links: More Educational use of Podcasting links