Introduction Results and Methodologies Locating the Lesions Psychological Tests Summary and Conclusions Nicole Neil
SubjectAge of InjuryAge at TestSource of Injury BethBirth12Hypoxia (birth trauma) Jon416Hypoxia (convulsive seizures) Kate919Hypoxia (seizures) Mudra Bhatt
Hippocampal System Episodic Memory Hippocampal System Episodic Memory Semantic Memory Underlying Cortices Nicole Neil
MethodsResults Volumetric Measurements Hippocampus abnormally small T2 RelaxometryRemaining hippocampal tissue severely compromised Proton Magnetic Spectroscopy Temporal Lobe normal Molly O’Brien & James Guse
Parental Questionnaire Used Riverhead Mead Test to confirm degree of impairment: spatialtemporalepisodic Molly O’Brien & James Guse
Copy of the Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure and 40-min delayed reproduction of it. Normal control, copy and delayed reproduction by a typical 13-year- old. Psychological Tests Molly O’Brien & James Guse
Standardized tests for IQ were done on all three children and compared to norms (green), VIQ: Verbal Intellgence Quotient PIQ: Performace MQ:Memory Quotient
Molly O’Brien & James Guse Working memory is at par with normal controls (green)!
Semantic (Intact) Episodic (Damaged) Verbal IQParent Report Reading ComprehensionRey-Osterreith Complex Figure Spelling* (exception Jon)Verbal Recall Tests Richa Sharma Molly O’Brien & James Guse
Hippocampal System Episodic Memory Hippocampal System Episodic Memory Semantic Memory Underlying Cortices Richa Sharma