There is an optimum temperature at which enzymes function best – generally around 40 degrees But why the gradual build and drop off? TEMPERATURE
Normal body temp is around 37 degrees Above that temperature and the proteins that make up the enzyme begin to denature i.e. break down Below that temp and the molecules are not moving at an optimum speed for the reaction to take place! TEMPERATURE
pH (or the scale of acidity) also has a bell shaped curve In highly acidic or basic environments enzymes do not function as well PH
The optimum pH is around 8 Any more basic or acidic and enzymes can be broken down or denatured and begin to loose their function. PH
The substrate (in our lab the H2O2) can vary within the body/cell based on a number of conditions This will cause an increase in enzyme activity…. To a point! SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATION
At some point, which will vary based on the other factors, the rate of reaction will not increase any further. All of the enzymes are saturated or being used. SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATION
As the enzyme concentration increases the rate of reaction increases. This is true provided there are enough substrate molecules to continue to react with. ENZYME CONCENTRATION
For instance, if there was always enough peroxide to react with, adding more catalase would increase the rate of reaction indefinitely ENZYME CONCENTATION