Race to the Top (RTTT) and the New York State Regents Reform Agenda Dr. Timothy T. Eagen Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & Curriculum South Huntington.


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Presentation transcript:

Race to the Top (RTTT) and the New York State Regents Reform Agenda Dr. Timothy T. Eagen Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & Curriculum South Huntington UFSD Dr. Joan Ripley Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Farmingdale Public Schools May 22, 2012 Working to Make Sense of the SLO’s: Professional Sharing

Common Core ELA & Math Standards Data- Driven Instruction (DDI) Great Teachers & Leaders The BIG Picture: 3 Components of the Race To The Top (RTTT) Initiative The perfect storm! College and Career Readiness

5 District Decisions (recommended by NYSED 5/31/2012) 3 1.Assess and identify district priorities and academic needs. 2.Identify who will have State-provided growth measures and who must have SLOs as “comparable growth measures.” 3.Determine district rules for how specific SLOs will get set. 4.Establish expectations for scoring SLOs and for determining teacher ratings for the growth component. 5.Determine district-wide processes for setting, reviewing, and assessing SLOs in schools. 3/01 4/16 5/31 Note: These dates are recommended so NTI participants are prepared for their training sessions.

Begin with the End in Mind APPR ItemPoints Growth (state provided or SLOs)20 (25 under value-added) Local assessments20 (15 under value added) Other multiple measures of effectiveness 60 At least 31 points must be based on observations, at least one of which must be unannounced. On the teacher side, any remaining points shall be based on the following: Obs. by independent evaluators Obs. by in-school peer teachers Feedback from students and/or parents Review of lesson plans, student portfolios and/or other teacher artifacts

Scoring or HEDI Bands Need to be cautious in setting up point ranges.

The Key: It is all about BALANCE! Achievement vs. performance Growth vs. proficiency Complexity vs. fairness Leadership opportunity vs. disaster Change vs. status quo

Complexity vs. Fairness Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Data driven instruction Who needs SLOs and how many are needed? Who is going to do the work (crunch the numbers)? How will data be stored and growth/local scores calculated? Do we need a new data tool? How can we make this manageable at the building level? Who can help support us?

Complexity vs. Fairness Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) based on:  State assessments  State approved list of 3 rd party assessments  District, regional or BOCES-developed assessments (district of BOCES verifies comparability and rigor… to the extent possible)  School or BOCES-wide, group or team results based on State assessments

Leadership Opportunity vs. Disaster District/school priorities  “Assess and identify district priorities and academic needs.” A chance to align with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the most important learning for each course Formulate an overall plan that allows this all to be manageable

SLO Required Elements Population Learning Content Evidence Baseline Target(s) HEDI Criteria Rationale (see handouts for a detailed description of each element)

SLO “Rules” SED provided examples (Global II & 7 th Grade Visual Arts) Template (visit engageNY.org or Conversion table (converts % meeting target to score out of 20 points) How many SLOs does a teacher need? (50% rule)  Teachers without a state supplied growth measure need at least one SLO. Start with the courses taught with the highest enrollment. If this covers >=50% of students, then only 1 SLO is needed. Otherwise, a second or third SLO would be needed until >=50% of students are covered. References, guides, and “helps”

It All Boils Down to Points How will evaluators determine what range of student performance “meets” the goal (effective) versus “well- below” (ineffective), “below” (developing), and “well- above” (highly effective)? Rigorous Target

The Task Work in groups at your tables Choose either the Global II or 7 th Grade Fine Arts NYSED example SLO Discuss the essential questions (next slide) and how they relate to the chosen SLO Apply the SLO Analytic Rubric to the chosen SLO Be pared to share any “ah hah” or “OMG” moments with the larger group Q&A

Essential Questions for Discussion A. How many assessments should students take? B. How are district priorities reflected in the SLO process? C. How are SLO targets set and met? D. What is the difference between performance and written assessments? E. How can SLO assessments be tied to standards?

Questions and Discussion

Additional Thoughts With SLOs, less is more Build district/school priorities into the system Aggregate groups and grade levels where possible Build teamwork into the system Put the data ownership into the hands of the teachers Helpful Links:   School Leadership 2.0 (APPR/SLO Best Practice and Sharing Discussions)  