How to Teach a Second Language Hi, Hola, Ciao,
Knowing & Teaching
Best Way to Teach? Grammar Translation Curriculum Centered/Test Oriented
Complaints! Dissatisfied Students
Strong Legacy 5000 Years of Tradition
TPR & Suggestopedia Clowns as Teachers?
Stimulus 7 Intelligences?
How to Be a Great Teacher! Dress the Part Have a Big Smile!
It’s all about ENERGY! Natural Energy lives at the crossroads of Opportunity and Curiosity
The Greater the Man, the Greater the Project! All Great Projects started with one thought in the mind of one man
A Quest for Energy! Working alone is a choice. In order to do anything great, you must harness the Energy of many people. To start the quest for Energy, you must first fully engage another Human Being!
Opportunity It was the best of Times, it was the worst of Times.
Chaos? We are all subjects in the Empire of Time.
The “How” From Inside Out Look for Energy
Claim Your Space: Everyone has their own workspace
Know Your Role!
Check Your Attitude Can you see far off into the horizon?
“Juice the Jam!!!” The Best Things are Not Planned You can either resist and lose energy, OR, you can work with it and release more Energy! You cannot make a jam Unhappen
Build a Circle of Energy Compelling Center Discovery is the key to building a successful circle. Invention will arise from the moment The words might always be the same, but the interaction will always be different
Discover Life’s Mess! An Endless Source of Discovery and Energy
Choose Your Close How will you be remembered?