Adult Learners PERFORM BEST WHEN THERE IS Mutual trust Cooperative Learning environment Relevance Applied learning Connection to their own experience PREFER LEARNING SITUATIONS THAT Are practical and problem-centered Promote their positive self esteem Integrate new ideas with existing knowledge Show respect for the individual learner Allow choice and self direction
What is YOUR preferred learning style? 1.Find the others in the room with the same preference 2.Have a stand up discussion with your group 3.Do you think your results are correct for you, and why or why not 4.Find out if anyone in your group has learned something new recently where your learning preference was evident
Learn and Teach 1.Go to your assigned flip chart 2.Discuss in your group what would you think would be most important in teaching/precepting a learner with this preferred learning style 3.Note on the flip chart key points, tips and examples to share with others about working with a learner with this preferred learning style 4.Note on flip chart additional phrases that someone with this preferred learning style might be likely to use
What other diversities impact your learner?
Jungian Personality Overview Introvert Prefer privacy Energize alone with time for thought and reflection Often seen as “superior thinkers” Asked often if they are angry Sensate Think, plan and write in paragraphs Look to past history for help in making decisions Enjoy attending to details and making sure all bases are covered in all matters. Feel short changed and uneasy with lack of details. Feeler Makes decisions based on their personal convictions. Feels justified ignoring analytical data if someone’s feeling’s are hurt May sabotage a process if they feel excluded Often wear their feelings “on their sleeves”. Judger Happiest when finishing what they start Like timetables and schedules Feel the most comfortable with predictability Have difficulty when interrupted Extravert Prefer to be with other people Energize with others, like to bounce idea’s Often seen as “socially adapt” Feel often as if they have “said too much”. iNtuitive Think, plan and write in bullets Look to future possibilities in making decisions Enjoy brain storming and coming up with new innovative ways to do things. Feel bored and irritable with too many details. Thinker Makes decisions based on subjective analytical data Feels justified ignoring someone’s feelings if analytical data supports their contention May go on a tirade of opposition if they sense a lack of fairness. Prefer “emotional” privacy. Perceiver Happiest with free flow and having open ended time frames Like to “fly by the seat of their pants” Feel most comfortable with flexibility Welcome interruptions
Mastery Learners (Sensing/Thinking) Follow directions one step at a time Want to know what is expected of them Do things that have immediate practical use Like immediate feedback Learn best from drills, demonstrations, practice, hands-on
Interpersonal Learners (Sensing/Feeling) Like to share personal feelings and experiences Like activities that help them learn about themselves and how they feel Learn best with others Like personal attention and feedback Prefer not to work alone for long periods Drained by detailed and demanding routines
Understanding Learners (Intuitive/Thinkers) Learn best from lectures, reading, logical discussion and debates Need time to plan and organize their work Need to see the big picture Like to plan and carryout projects that interest them Learn by problem solving involving data collection, organization, and interpretation
Self-Expressive Learners (Intuitive/Feeling) Are creative and imaginative Like to plan and organize their work in their own creative way Work on many things at once Learn through discovery Dislike too much attention to detail
Generations and Maslow World View of Work Y X Boomers Matures/Veteran
Best tips Don’t assume others learn like you Ask “how can I be a great teacher for you?” “Tell me about a time when learning came easy for you, and what made it so” We all learn with all senses – don’t over-rely on any one sense Stories are magical Intentionally foster a positive learning environment
Overcome Differences Through Awareness of our own biases Understanding – the more we understand others’ point of view and allow for differences, the better we can communicate and work together Appreciate the differences for the value they bring to the shared learning experience
What is one thing you will do to incorporate respect for different learning styles into your approach to teaching?