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Share good practice within each department Intra departments Online learning support to students Adult Education in the community Business link – ICT and other training of local businesses Link with other schools to share ideas.
Share good practice within each department
Intra departments
Shape, Space and Measures I can find the perimeter of 2-D shapes I can find the perimeter and area of rectangles I can draw nets of 3-D shapes1 and 212 I can find surface area of cubes and cuboids I know how to use angles at a point, angles on a straight line, angles in a triangle and vertically opposite angles I know how to use coordinates in all four quadrants I know how to measure and draw angles I know how to construct triangles and other shapes (No Link) I know how to use line and rotation symmetry I know how to reflect shapes in a mirror line, rotate shapes about a point and translate shapes I know how to convert in metric and imperial units MATHEMATICS – Year 7 Revision Check List Algebra I know how to create sequences and describe them I know how to find the equation of a line I know my square numbers Number I can multiply and divide numbers I can round numbers I can work with percentages I can add and subtract decimal numbers I know the order of calculations (BODMAS) I can use estimation I can work with ratios Handling Data I can use tally charts I can use tally charts with grouped data I can use the probability scale 1 and 212 I can find the probability using scale 0 to 1 I can find the mean, median, mode and range for a set of data I can use frequency tables to find averages
Adult Education in the Community Adult Education Centre Drop in centre for Learndirect Forge strong links with Online Agencies
Links with Local Businesses Links with Local Businesses (two way collaboration) Establish good links with Business Link Keep track with what is happening in the education industry
Etone as a main Centre Promote what Etone is. Become the main centre for schools in the area
Share good practice within each department Intra departments Online learning support to students Adult Education in the community Business link – ICT and other training of local businesses Link with other schools to share ideas.
What can etone offer
Mathematics link coordinator for the We-Learn project. Management skills and team leadership. Excellent IT skills in the hardware, software and applications. Experience in ICT in adult education and Online training in ICT and Business. Experience in project management and Learning Management Systems (LMS). Good vision for innovation. Experience from specification phase to completion.
What are my strengths What can etone offer