Michelin “NZG” Radial Tyre
NZG technology Two types of Radial Tire Construction: Radial of nylon structure - Michelin current offer available since 1981. Is a proven design chosen on most new A/C. Radial NZG (Near Zero Growth) - studied since the end of 1999. Industrial propriety protected since mid 2000. NZG is an evolution for radial construction.
NZG technology Our R&D team has developed a tire using a material with: Higher modulus than nylon (Growth limited to less than 3%) Modulus stable with temperature (Maintains geometry at high temperature)
Working point when tire inflated at rated pressure NZG technology 5 10 15 20 Elongation (%) Force NEW CORD NYLON CORD Working point when tire inflated at rated pressure “NZG” Casing and Belt Plies are made of much higher modulus cords
NZG technology / Advantages Structure doesn’t grow under pressure (non-inflated tire size can be larger than equivalent bias tire ) Size of Grown and Thrown are comparable to non-inflated Squared and balanced footprint Ability to resist FOD / Tire survivability.
NZG technology / Advantages
NZG technology / Advantages
NZG technology / Advantages
NZG technology / Advantages
NZG technology / Advantages
NZG technology / Advantages
NZG technology / Advantages
NZG technology / Advantages
NZG technology / Advantages
NZG technology / Advantages
NZG technology / Advantages
FOD Resistance Demonstration A two part approach : Create the damage Demonstrate residual strength
FOD Resistance Demonstration CREATE THE DAMAGE Goal : Explore the full range of speed from 0 to takeoff At low speed using a truck and a trailer in Almeria (Spain) At higher speeds on a dynamometer flywheel in Ladoux (France)
FOD Resistance Demonstration FOD test with a trailer in Almeria The blade is 30 mm high, 3 mm wide at the bottom and 1.5 mm wide on the upper side Test at 2 speeds Effect of inclination : 45°, 60° and 90° Only 90° blade resists the impact of the tire.
Test on trailer in Almeria FOD Resistance Demonstration Test on trailer in Almeria
FOD Resistance Demonstration Method used for high speed damage : After a taxi, the tire initiates the take-off. At the required speed, the blade is thrown between tire and dynamometer by means of a pneumatic actuator.
Dynamometer equipment with net FOD Resistance Demonstration Dynamometer equipment with net
The blade on the actuator FOD Resistance Demonstration The blade on the actuator
FOD Resistance Demonstration Blade on its plate
FOD Resistance Demonstration MEASURE THE RESIDUAL STRENGTH After cutting the tire, run 3 consecutive dynamometer cycles 3 cycles of: taxi + takeoff + landing + taxi
FOD resistance of bias tire
FOD resistance of Bias Create damage Low speed test at speed 1: - Tread and plies cut, no pressure loss Low speed test at speed 2: - Blow out High speed test: - Blow out
Bias tire at low speed 1 in Almeria FOD resistance of Bias Bias tire at low speed 1 in Almeria
Bias tire at low speed 2 in Almeria FOD resistance of Bias Bias tire at low speed 2 in Almeria
Bias tire after dynamometer test FOD resistance of Bias Bias tire after dynamometer test
Thrown parts of structure FOD resistance of Bias Thrown parts of structure
FOD resistance of Bias Bias tyre at 20 km/h
FOD Resistance Demonstration Results of the NZG tire
FOD Resistance Demonstration Low Speed test at Almeria Create damage - Tread band cut, no pressure loss, no debris Residual strength 1 (taxi + TO + landing + taxi) 1 (taxi + TO* + landing + taxi) = thrown tread
FOD Resistance Demonstration Damage at low speed
Low speed damage & Residual strength test FOD Resistance Demonstration Low speed damage & Residual strength test 1.8 kg
NZG Tire High Speed test on dynamometer FOD Resistance Demonstration NZG Tire High Speed test on dynamometer Create damage - Tread band cut,no pressure loss, no debris Residual strength Completed the 3 cycle test (no pressure loss, no debris)
FOD Resistance Demonstration Flywheel at high speed
FOD Resistance Demonstration Summary of results Slow speed was more damaging than high speed The NZG tire sustained all required endurance cycles without pressure loss. (structure was intact)
FOD Resistance Demonstration Slow speed
Michelin “NZG” Radial Tyre