ATI Webservices “The powerful business backend to your website!”
Core Functions Within an Organization Accounting Resources/Inventory Management Client & Prospect Management Sales/eCommerce Management Reports
Integration Challenges of These Core Functions Accounting Resources/Inventory Management Client & Prospect Management Sales/eCommerce Often, each core function is accomplished with software that does not “naturally” integrate with other functions. Like, Microsoft Access doesn’t easily “talk” with Quickbooks; Excel prospect spreadsheets do not link between salespeople…
Gartner Reports that Solving these Integration Issues Eats 70% of your IT Budget! Accounting Client & Prospect Management Sales/eCommerce This is because each application has it’s own separate database, and your IT Department must craft special ways to access this information, test its accuracy, and then prepare the reports needed by management Resources/Inventory Management
Difficult-To-Integrate Software Applications & Separate Databases Needed Corporate Client, Prospect, Sales, Management, Control & Financial Reports Such a structure is risky
Difficult-To-Integrate Software Applications & Separate Databases Needed Corporate Client, Prospect, Sales, Management, Control & Financial Reports Should a key member of your IT Integration team become unavailable to support this bridge, it will fall, and the Company will suffer
So How Do You Accomplish This Data integration? Accounting Client & Prospect Management Sales/eCommerce Only with GREAT DIFFICULTY! And at a cost of CORPORATE CASH and LOST CORPORATE OPPORTUNITIES due to late and inaccurate management reports ? Resources/Inventory Management
How to Reduce this Complexity? Accounting Client & Prospect Management Sales/eCommerce Start with having each application tied to a common, central database… Resources/Inventory Management ?
The ATI Webservices Central Database Solution All core corporate data is entered ONCE ONLY in an internet- based central database The data then becomes available, on a password-protected 24x7 basis, throughout your organization And data integration issues are eliminated
Core Functions Within ATI Webservices Accounting Resources/Inventory Management Client & Prospect Management Sales/eCommerce Internet-Based Central Database Management Reports
Additional Functions Added Within ATI Webservices
ATI Webservices The powerful business backend to your website! We guarantee our work - for the life of your project There are NO LIMITS to how you can take advantage of this powerfully simple Webservices concept.