Bellwork (2/18) [ none this week – Happy Rodeo Break ]
Electric Circuits I 2/18/14
The Light Bulb Conductors: - Filament - Internal Wire - Corkscrew Side - Base Insulators: - Glass Globe - Insulating material (between side and base)
Conditions for a Circuit There must be a closed conducting path that extends from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. There must be an electric potential difference across the two ends of the circuit.
The Battery A negative charge will gain potential energy and voltage as it moves from positive terminal to negative terminal in the battery
The Circuit A negative charge will lose potential energy and voltage as it moves from negative terminal to positive terminal in the circuit
Battery and Circuit A negative charge has the least amount potential energy at positive terminal A negative charge has the greatest amount potential energy at negative terminal Voltage = Potential Difference High PE Low PE
Schematic Symbols Wires: Resistor (elec. device): Switch: Battery (Outlet): Fuse: Connected wires: Unconnected wires
In your notes define: Electric resistance - unit is ohms (Ω) Electric current - unit is amperes (A) Electric Power - unit is watts (W) Voltage source – “… dry cell, battery, outlet or generator, …” Circuit Series circuit Parallel circuit