Solar Boat Second meeting 2016
Topics For This Meeting Pick teams (Mechanical, electrical, Hull) Hand out Medical and Liability Release form for signatures. Start looking at videos about water conservation and find teachers and students who can help with the video. Start thinking out the two technical reports – the mechanical report is due ~December 17. The Electrical report is due ~February 17, 2016.
Design Teams Mechanical Drive Train – Gearing, shaft, seal, propeller Steering and Throttle design Pick gear ratios to try for both endurance and speed Safety (floatation, bilge pump, signaling, etc.) Design of Parts, find and order parts Know the mechanical rules pertaining to the boat Mechanical Technical Report, Video
Design Teams Electrical Solar / Electrical Design – Electrical Systems and Connections. Power management (Racing Strategies) Instrumentation Wire sizes and lengths, hookups, etc. Pick Batteries (Odyssey 925, 28 AH) Maximum 25kg (55 lbs.) Need 2 sets minimum. Amp Hour (AH) rating and surge power is important. Pick Solar Panels (efficiency not as important – weight and temp. coefficient is important. We have motors (Perm PMG-132). Know the electrical rules pertaining to the boat Electrical Technical Report, Video
Design Teams Hull Safety, comfort and efficiency of skipper Need to pick a paint (Interlux VC Offshore looks good – dries very hard, burnishible, and contains silicone to make the boat slippery) Layout of components (balance – fore/aft and left/right, electrical connections – short runs, thick wires from battery to motor, etc.) Help Mechanical Team with Steering and Throttle Design Help Mechanical Team with floatation, bilge pump, signaling, etc. Know the rules pertaining to the boat Help with Mechanical Technical Report, Video
Everybody Help with the video Color and Design of the Boat Ways to reduce drag and improve the boat Drivers – Testers, Racers (Long Distance and Sprinters)
Formal Technical Reports Drive Train / Steering Report ( words) Include Title page, T of C, List of Figures, Introduction, Body of Report, supporting material (tables, schematics, block diagrams, data, graphs, illustrations, calculations) Conclusion (critical analysis and data interpretation), Bibliography, and Appendices for Reference Material. All Figures are numbered, titled, and labeled. Include narrative and design diagram detailing your proposed Drive Train/Steering System and the steering system, including the rudder. Include the “WHYS FOR DOING THIS DESIGN. (methodology, problem solving, etc)” Use calculations and/or measurements to discuss how components impact the center of mass and center of buoyancy of your craft. A top/bottom and side views of the drivetrain w/ outline of hull and bhead. Info on the angle of the drive shaft and the angles of stuffing box and strut. Text to accompany diagram. Drawings of the top/bottom and side views of the steering system. Include dimensioned drawings of the rudder.
Formal technical reports Electrical / Solar Report ( words) Include Title page, T of C, List of Figures, Introduction, Body of Report, supporting material (tables, schematics, block diagrams, data, graphs, illustrations, calculations) Conclusion (critical analysis and data interpretation), Bibliography, and Appendices for Reference Material. All Figures are numbered, titled, and labeled. Include narrative and design diagram detailing your proposed Electrical system and solar array. Use calculations and/or measurements to discuss the power, current, and voltage of the electrical components. Include an intro on the physics of photovoltaics and the following electrical components in both the diagram and narrative (including component manufacturer, rated voltage, and rated wattage): batteries, solar panels, motor, motor controller, bilge pump, dead man switch, 350A fuse, and wire size. Top view and side view that show the relative position of the solar panels on the hull. Solar panel attachment. Text to accompany diagram.
Schedule Dates (Tentative) Boat Building Workshop (team) Nov 7 or 8* Rookie Workshop (teachers)Nov 21 First Technical Workshop (team)Dec 12 Technical Report #1 – Drive train/Steering (team)Dec 18* Second Technical Workshop (team)Jan 30 RSVP (teachers)?? Technical Report #2 – Solar/Electrical (team)Feb 17 Liability Forms (team)Mar 19 PSA Outline (team)Feb 19 PSA Video (team)Apr 16 Boat Inspection Day & Swim test (team)Apr 30 Boat Expenditures (teachers)May 7 Solar Cup races (team)May (Fri-Sun)