Warm Up Think back to yesterdays lesson to write a 5-7-sentence paragraph explaining the difference between when to use a map vs. when to use a globe. After five minutes, you will turn and talk to discuss your answers.
Objective SWBAT understand some of the key ways maps are used
Geographers use many different types of maps. Can anyone identify why more than one type of map exists? (Turn and talk)
There are three types of maps we will be focusing on, physical maps, political maps, and special purpose maps. Can anyone infer what any of these maps might show based upon their name? (Turn and talk)
Physical Maps Physical maps show land and water features. The colors on a physical map include brown or green for land, and blue for water. Physical maps may also use colors to show elevation, or height above sea level. Turn and talk to discuss what you notice about this map
Political Maps Political maps show the names and borders of countries. They also show the location of cities and other human made features of a place. turn and talk with your neighbors to discuss what you notice.
Special Purpose Maps Special purpose maps show patterns such as climate, natural resources, or population. turn and talk to discuss what you see
Which type of map is this, why??
Independent Practice Independently read a passage titled “Reading Maps” define the following words, and use them in a sentence: Symbols Scale Cardinal Directions
Group Work You will receive a map handout titled “Using a Distance Scale” Group 1- On the map, 1 inch-300 miles. In the real place, Aswan is about ____ miles from Cairo. Group 2- On the map, 1 inch equals 480 kilometers. In the real place, Aswan is about ____ kilometers from Cairo. Group 3- Alexandria is about ____ miles from Cairo. Group 4- Asyut is a city about 250 miles northwest of Aswan. Asyut is about 200 miles south of Cairo on the Nile River. Place the city of Asyut on the map. Draw a dot and write the name Asyut.
Closure Each group will share the answers to their questions. What is the difference between the three types of maps we discussed today? hand in your answers on the way out.
Homework Complete a worksheet with corresponding questions.