By: Kevin Fehrenbach
MACPC Faster Operating system Less compatible with many types of software More expensive Can run any form form of windows with dual boot Slower Operating system Compatible with most types of software Much more cheap Only runs windows operating systems
Apple released Mac OSX Lion, the latest and greatest OS Lion has multi touch gestures, to go back a page, switch desktops, and many others Also has a page that is a lot like the ipad/ipod/iphone home screen, to view all your apps
Mac OSX comes preloaded with all software that everyone can use for there everyday life IPhoto is something people use to store all their pictures they need Keynote, Pages, and Numbers are like office but they just throw it in for free rather then annoying trials Garage Band lets people record music or create music digitally
Mac is the only os that allows you to use both windows and mac os Programs like parallels and boot camp allow your mac to have windows as a second operating system
The mac track pad on the Macbooks, or the external track pad, and the magic mouse allow you to change desktops, switching between apps, and much more To do this, using multiple fingers to swipe forward, back, up and down, left right and other directions Started in osx leopard, but perfected in the new lion.
How stuff works Google (purpoogle)