IST programme Cultural Heritage in Tomorrow ’s Knowledge Society RESULTS FROM FP5 Cultural Heritage in Tomorrow ’s Knowledge Society RESULTS FROM FP5 Rr Head of Unit Cultural Heritage Applications DG - INFORMATION SOCIETY Head of Unit Cultural Heritage Applications DG - INFORMATION SOCIETY
IST programme Policies, Strategies and Programmes Policies, Strategies and Programmes
IST programme European Employment Strategy … the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion Lisbon European Council March 2000
IST programme … ICT skills gap... … the knowledge economy means changing skills... Most pressing issues … unemployment in Europe is a story of unfilled potential...
IST programme The answer The political answer Europe e e & & The technological answer
IST programme Conclusions of the Lund expert meeting Conclusions of the Lund expert meeting Digitisation programmes Europe's cultural and scientific knowledge resources are a unique public asset forming the collective and evolving memory of our diverse societies and providing a solid basis for the development of our digital content industries in a sustainable knowledge society
IST programme establish common policy profiles qualitative benchmarking framework disseminate good practice set up national inventories technical standards e.g. interoperability improve quality/usability of content Key actions: long-term preservation issues coordination forum
IST programme Results and Future Plans Results and Future Plans
IST programme Cultural Heritage IST Programme Main results Advanced Digital Libraries: resource discovery, meta-data, interoperability,...
IST programme IST Programme Main results Advanced Digital Libraries: new tools, new services and new business models for cross-domain content navigation... Cultural Heritage
IST programme IST Programme Main results Intelligent Heritage: visual representations, 3D and VR, user interaction and content understanding,... Cultural Heritage
IST programme IST Programme Main results Intelligent Heritage: innovative Web-based services, enhanced learning and game playing Cultural Heritage
IST programme IST Programme Main results Preservation: new techniques for film restoration, digitisation techniques, new business models for exploitation digitised assets Cultural Heritage
IST programme IST Programme Main results Community Memory: experimental delivery systems, universal access to memory, citizen-driven creation of future memory... Cultural Heritage
IST programme IST Programme Main results Consensus Building: networks of excellence, training, standards platforms, awareness building, benchmarking, evaluation fora,... Cultural Heritage
IST programme Consensus Building DELOS - Digital Libraries Networks: TEL - The European Library PULMAN - Public Libraries EMII - European Museums BIOnet - Bio-mechanics
IST programme Consensus Building Cultivate - EU - CEE - Russia Awareness building: HEREIN - Heritage network EVAN - Imaging & visual arts TRIS - Trials support HeritageNet - Central Asia
IST programme Consensus Building CELIP - Licensing platform Technical coordination: CLEF - Language evaluation CHIOS - Ontology standardisation OAF - Open Archive support SCHEMA - Schemas forum
IST programme For more information society/eeurope/index_en.htm eEUROPE Framework Programmes
IST programme For more information IST: Cultural Heritage Cultivate Network newsletter