Stephani Foraker, PhD.  Good grades  academic expectations likely higher than 2-yr degree  But good grades is only the starting point!  First-hand.


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Presentation transcript:

Stephani Foraker, PhD

 Good grades  academic expectations likely higher than 2-yr degree  But good grades is only the starting point!  First-hand experience is just as critical  student organizations  applied settings  research  department activities

Psychology Student Organizations  Psychology Club  open to all students interested in Psychology  informational & social events, speakers  spring research project  Advisor: Dr. Reid

Psychology Student Organizations  Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology  Eligibility standards: High GPAs, credit hours  informational, volunteer, & social events  Advisor: Dr. Foraker

Psychology Student Organizations  Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)  Open to all students interested in Human Resources  Network locally and nationally  Advisor: Dr. Delprino  Psychology Students Interested in Community Outreach (PSICO)  Open to all students interested in community service  Raise money to sponsor a charity or cause during the holidays  Advisor: Dr. DiPirro

 Field Internship (PSY 488)  complete 150 hours (12 hours per week) at community setting  weekly internship class  at least second-semester junior, at least 2.5 GPA  Information session about mid-semester  fill out formal application  need a faculty/professional recommendation  must be approved before registration  Internship coordinator: Dr. Zborowski

 Internship sites include:  school psychology in Niagara Falls Schools  school counseling at Gateway Longview  work with refugees at Journey's End, International Institute  work with serious mental illness at Transitional Services, Inc.  inpatient psychological care at Buffalo Psychiatric Center  substance abuse work at Northpointe Council  Center for Health and Social Research  Research Institute on Addictions

 Teaching Internship (PSY 488)  assist a faculty member with a class in which you have excelled  typical duties include  leading test review sessions  holding office hours  helping with grading  Statistics (PSY 306)  Research Methods (PSY 450W), other 300-level courses

 Volunteer-Service Learning Courses  require service connected to course objectives & community needs  hours, depending on course  can do in many departments  Volunteer and Service-Learning Center

 Volunteer for community organizations related to psychology  flexibility in # of hours  opportunities within walking distance  Psychology Club, Psi Chi  Active Minds chapter  Volunteer & Service-Learning Center  Career Development Center

 Independent Study (PSY 499)  1 semester  work closely with a faculty a member  complete a research study  no minimum GPA  Sample topics:  Body image in 6 th grade students  How views of parents affect views of God  Gender bias in hiring judgments  Factors affecting road rage  What gestures reveal about thinking  opportunities to present and publish research

 Honors Thesis (PSY 496 & 498)  bigger research project – 2 semesters  work with advisor  committee with two other faculty members  must have GPAs of 3.5+ in psychology and overall  Recent topics:  Social withdrawal in veterans with PTSD  Academic and social adjustment of students with ADHD  Prejudice against Canadians  Visual cues to language comprehension  Consequences of ecstasy use on social and nonsocial behavior  opportunities to present and publish research

 Psychology Club  research team  Research Assistant  work in faculty lab  Research Participant

 learn what psychology is really like  gain valuable experience for jobs or graduate school  get to know faculty members  develop skills & learn about yourself  Have fun!

 Many careers in Psychology require a Masters degree or Ph.D.  clinical, counseling, school  Academic researcher  Consulting  Very competitive – Need to plan ahead!

UNDERGRADUATE  Broad education  Well-rounded  Class-based GRADUATE  Highly focused  Specialist  Research/experience- based with fewer classes

UNDERGRADUATE  large number admitted  100s or 1000s / year  flexibility in final interests/major  form a good pool  general qualifications & experiences GRADUATE  small number admitted  Ph.D. programs: < 10/year  commitment to specific area  close match with program and mentors  look for specific experiences in that field

 Many parallels  lots of applications for limited positions  need experience as well as grades  work independently & as part of a team  “soft skills”  leadership potential

 Grades: as high as possible  >3.0 for MA, >3.5 for PhD  solid course preparation  likely exceed minimum requirements  Research!!!  independent study, research teams, honors thesis  Applied experiences  Internship  Related volunteering or work  Teaching, tutoring

 Get involved in the department  Psychology Club, Psi Chi, SHRM, PSICOs  Leadership positions, club officers  GREs  need to do well  ongoing preparation: Read!  specific preparation: books, courses (e.g., Kaplan), Magoosh

 As transfer students, you have less time, so start getting involved right away!