Good day to thee thou vain ill-breeding dewberries. Act IV continues.
Do Now After learning of the Friar’s plan to fake Juliet’s death, suggest an alternative plan that may be better than the Friar’s? Explain your plan.
Information Act III study guides due today Act III study guides due today Begin Act IV, end is near Begin Act IV, end is near - should finish play this week - essay coming Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday - first 10 words
Expedient – (n.) a means to an end; (adj.) advantageous, useful Synonyms – (n.) contrivance, device; (adj.) serviceable Antonyms – (adj.) inconvenient, untimely
Feign – (v.) to pretend Synonyms – fake, sham, affect, simulate
Act IV, Scene i Paris talks to the Friar Paris talks to the Friar - arranging the marriage Juliet enters to “confess” Juliet enters to “confess” The Plan The Plan - on the wedding day
Act IV, Scene ii Wedding Plans Wedding Plans Capulet’s guest list Capulet’s guest list - hiring cooks Capulet still angry Capulet still angry Juliet’s confession Juliet’s confession - forgiveness?
Act IV, Scene iii The Plan The Plan - Juliet prepares No one suspects No one suspects - wedding plans progress Gruesome discovery Gruesome discovery
Act IV, scene iv Wedding Plans continue Wedding Plans continue Cooks, Musicians Cooks, Musicians Nurse tries to wake Juliet Nurse tries to wake Juliet - brief commentary The discovery The discovery
Act IV, scene v The drama unfolds The drama unfolds - Friar Lawrence is summoned The family returns to mourning The family returns to mourning - Lady Capulet is distraught Break from drama for comedy Break from drama for comedy - Peter? Funny?