Make sure HOME fields are re-populated when moving in a new household to HOME- assisted unit. Make sure leases comply with HOME rules and do not include any prohibited lease terms (see 24 CFR Part for details); keep this in mind for households transferring to a HOME-assisted unit, and when you’re “floating” a HOME-assisted unit designation to the household’s current unit. 1
HOME fields not populated or populated inaccurately for HOME-assisted units HOME fields populated for units that are not designated as HOME-assisted units Be sure to select all HOME fields for Table 1 Excel Export reviews! 2 WBARS does not currently validate for missing HOME fields or HOME fields populated for non HOME- assisted units.
3 24 CFR (d)(ii)(C): “The property owner must annually certify to the participating jurisdiction that each building and all HOME-assisted units in the project are suitable for occupancy, taking into account State and local health, safety, and other applicable codes, ordinances, and requirements, and the ongoing property standards established by the participating jurisdiction to meet the requirements of § ” To be completed by authorized owner/contractor prior to submission to funder level: I, [insert name], certify that each building and all HOME- assisted units in the project are suitable for occupancy. I, [insert name], have been given express consent from my HOME funder to waive this certification requirement because the units funded with HOME program funding are not considered rental units as per HUD guidelines.
4 Changes Effective 8/23/13: Student Eligibility Income Determinations Lease Prohibitions Utility Allowances
Student eligibility, effective 8/23/13: New rule added reference to the Section 8 definition of student eligibility to the definition of eligible Low Income Families for HOME. The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program restrictions on student participation exclude any student that: a) Is enrolled as either a part-time or full-time student at an institution of higher education for the purposes of obtaining a degree, certificate, or other program leading to a recognized educational credential; and b) Is under age 24; and c) Is not a veteran of the U.S. military; and d) Is not married; and e) Does not have a dependent child(ren); and f) Is not a person with disabilities, as such term is defined in 3(b)(3)E of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437a(b)(3)€) and was not receiving Section 8 assistance as of November 30, 2005; and g) Is not otherwise individually eligible to receive Section 8 assistance or has parents (the parents individually or jointly) who are not income eligible to receive Section 8 assistance. 5
Excerpt from HOME Applicability Charts published in January 2015: Category #1: requirements to clarify or codify existing requirements The requirements under this section remain substantially unchanged from what was required under the pre-2013 HOME Rule, except that the new Final Rule clarified or codified existing HUD guidance or requirements into regulations. PJs were always required to comply with these requirements, and as such they are applicable to all of the HOME projects in a PJ's portfolio (regardless of when funds were committed). PJs must ensure that their programs and projects comply with these requirements and must correct any instances of noncompliance. 6 CATEGORY #1: REQUIREMENTS TO CLARIFY OR CODIFY EXISTING REQUIREMENTS Applicable to all HOME projects in portfolio (regardless of when funds were committed) DefinitionsLow and very low-income families (students) §92.2 If tenant currently living in HOME unit is a student who is not part of a low-income family, or does not qualify individually as a low-income family, PJs must correct this non-compliance by treating the tenant as an over-income tenant.
Income Determinations, effective 8/23/13: Owners must examine at least two months of source documentation (e.g., wage statements, interest statements or unemployment compensation documentation) when determining household income for all household members. Lease Prohibitions: Mandatory Services in lease permitted only in transitional housing. Utility Allowances: HOME Funders are still waiting for additional clarification from HUD. Funders submitted a question to the HUD regional office in September 2015, but no response received yet. Still unclear how to implement HUD Utility Schedule Model on HOME-funded units that also have HUD or Housing Authority Project-Based or Tenant-Based voucher where HUD or the housing authority sets the utility allowance. Stay tuned! 7
HUD Exchange HOME Overview: HOME Final Rule: Building HOME: A HOME Program Primer – Training Manual and Slides: – Compliance in HOME Rental Projects: A Guide for Property Owners: guide-for-property-owners/ Technical Guide for Determining Income and Allowances for the HOME Program: and-allowances-for-the-home-program/ HOME Model Program Guide: Still have HOME questions? Review your HOME Funder Regulatory Agreement & Ask your HOME funder! 8