Week 3 Ellen Shilling
Recap: There are many scientific studies performed on Meditation and they have proven many benefits, some of which are: The brain changes shape (neuroplasticity) after just 8 weeks of meditation. Your capacity for learning and remembering are increased as are your capacity for compassion, self awareness, understanding, empathy, peace and calm. You are less likely to suffer from worry, stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, etc. Meditation slows down the ageing process. Meditation helps you to live longer – 2005 study, 49% decrease in the rate of mortality. Meditation significantly reduces the chance of suffering from and helps you to deal with depression.
Meditation is not about calming or trying to control your mind. If you do try and control or clear your mind, you will end up in a wrestling match with a very skilful opponent! Mindfulness wakes you up from Autopilot: by using your breath to anchor you to the present moment (where life takes place.) Cultivating acceptance of a moment (saying “it is what it is”) frees you to change your perspective and see solutions. Meditation is the single best tool to reduce stress.
Everyday tools for practising mindfulness: Mindfulness is the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non judgementally. John Kabat Zinn Anything can be a meditation. Anchor point (where you first feel the breath entering and leaving the body.) Mindful movement. Make your exhale 2 beats longer than your inhale. Be present to and aware of 1 activity every day. Cultivate present moment awareness = Breath + Senses. Foster acceptance of each and every moment.
Moving meditation The spirit in which you do something is often as importance as the act itself.
Observation in Mindfulness Observing allows you to notice. When you notice then you are no longer attached. When you are no longer attached you can allow things to pass and to see things differently. It helps you to detach from your thoughts and emotions, change your perspective and choose how you wish to react.
That is, you allow the wisdom of your being to respond naturally to what is, rather than react mindlessly to the distorted, self created images you’ve created in your head that are out of proportion to what’s actually happening in the present moment.(Mark Williams)
Lets meditate… Notice your thoughts. Observe your body. Come back to your breath….. GENTLY Sometimes in order to open your eyes, you need to close them.
Invitation…. This week: Meditate for 10 minutes every day. Connect with your body either during meditation or as you go about your day. Observe: Your inner dialogue and your thoughts for 1 week. Make notes….you’ll be surprised by what you find.