Pre-Season Meeting 10-11
LSW Coaches Coach Tanner Penrod, Head Coach Coach Danielle Stansbury, Dive Coach Coach Ross Mueller, Assistant Swim Coach
Other Scott and Barbara Delisi –Parent Booster Reps Team apparel, ordering, events, etc Tracey Peterson Team Dinner Coordinator
LSW Athletic Department Mr. Dave Gillespie –Athletic Director, LSW
Communication Team Website: –Team Calendar, meet schedule, week to week practice schedule, state cuts, school records, etc
Try-outs Eligibility –Green eligibility cards must be turned in to Coach Penrod by the start of try-outs on Monday –Participation packets can be found on the sign- up tables…packets are turned into the Athletic Office –Fall Athletes---get your card from your coach…not the ADs
Try-Outs Rationale 1: Our goal, as a program, is to build the best team in the city and eventually the state. With this goal in mind, this program is not a “learn to swim” or “learn to dive” program. Try-outs are intended to determine if student-athletes are able to fulfill the minimum expectations for participation on the team.
Try-outs Rationale 2: Try-outs also give coaches an opportunity to build appropriate practice groups (Green/Silver) and base training lanes for athletes making the team.
Try-outs- Swim Bring suit, goggles, running shoes, t-shirt and athletic shorts Monday, November 15, 2010 –BOYS- 3:30-5:30PM *Ready to swim at 3:30 *Dry-land at 5:00pm –GIRLS- 4:30-6:30PM *Dry-land at 4:30pm *Ready to swim at 5:00pm Work-out will consist of at least 3000 yards with dry-land training before or after This will be the easiest, non-taper, practice of the season
Try-outs Bring suit, goggles, running shoes, t-shirt and athletic shorts Tuesday, November 16, 2010 –All Swim- 3:30-5:30PM *Ready to swim at 3:30 Time Trials -50 and 100 yards of every stroke -100 IM
Try-outs- Dive Monday, 11/15/2010 –Bring suits, shorts, t-shirt, shoes – 3:45-5:45PM Tuesday, 11/16/2010 –4:30-6:30PM –Bring suits, shorts, t-shirt, shoes
Teams *Teams/Group Placements will be posted on the team website by 9:00 pm on Tuesday Please Coach Penrod if a name does not appear on the list, as any student-athlete not making the team will be informed by Coach Penrod on Tuesday after practice
Swim Practice Groups Green –Newer to the sport –Not ready to train at the Silver level –Will compete in all home meets –May not travel and/or compete in invites Silver –More experienced or year-round swimmers ***Group placements are not permanent at any point in the season…there is plenty of time to work your way into the Silver group
Schedules Please see the team website for the most up to date schedules A weekly, updated schedule will be posted over the week-end on the home page A typical weekday: AM- SWIM- 6:00-7:30AM (for Green and Silver) GREEN- 3:15-5:00PM SILVER- 3:30-6:30PM DIVE- 4:00-6:00pm –A typical weekend : GREEN- 8:00am-10:00am SILVER- 9:00am-12:00pm DIVE- 8:00-10:00am
Attendance Policy 1) Practice attendance is required for all mandatory practices –Weekday (afternoons) and Saturday *Morning swim practices are “optional”* 2) An athlete is excused from practice under the following circumstances – Illness, school related functions, etc –Please Coach Penrod regarding excused absences when they occur
Attendance Policy Unexcused absences include: –skipping, oversleeping, not knowing there is practice, etc Consequences of Unexcused Absences: –1 st - miss the next competition –2 nd -1 week suspension (practice and competition) –3 rd - Removal from the team Athletes should do their best to take care of school related issues (retakes, teacher help, etc) in the morning, as opposed to missing the beginning of practice.
Attendance Policy (continued) Other excused absences: –Family vacation or club meets (see dual-particpation on the next slides) –All student-athletes are allowed to have 4 excused absences These absences must be pre-approved by Coach Penrod –Excused absences will not be approved if you would miss an LSW meet (a few exceptions) –Excused absences will not be approved after January 16, 2011
NSAA Dual Participation Article 3, Section Swimming and Diving Outside Participation During the school sport season of swimming and diving, a student may, after fulfilling all requirements, practices and competitions of the school swimming and diving team, practice and/or compete as a member of a non-school team or as an individual participant in an organized non-school swimming and diving practice or competition under the conditions listed below. (a) Priority shall be given to all school team practices and competition. Should a non-school practice/competition be in direct conflict with the school scheduled practice/competition the school practice/competition shall take priority. Prior approval by the school administrator may grant an exception to a student to participate in the non-school swimming and diving program if in direct conflict with the school program. (b) No school time shall be missed to compete, practice or travel to the site of such non-school swimming and diving competition unless the absence is approved in advance by the school administrator. (c)A school shall not replace its swimming or diving program with any non- school swimming or diving program.
LSW Dual Participation 1- LSW Dual Participation a) An athlete that elects to miss a LSW practice or competition ( due to a non-high school competition, with prior approval from the head coach and athletic director. ( a) b) A request for an exception must be in writing to the head coach and the athletic director at least two weeks prior to the practice or competition. 2- a) A LSW Swimmer or Diver may not miss the HAC or State meet for a non-school practice or competition. COMMUNICATION IS KEY (Early and Often)
Attendance Per LSW Rule: – An athlete must be in all classes to practice or compete that day. (there are a few exceptions) Per Team Rule: – An athlete attend and complete practice the day before a competition in order to eligible at the next day’s competition
Lettering Requirements In order to earn a varsity letter you must achieve ONE of the following: 1-Be a member of the team for 3 seasons in good standing. 2-Average finish of 3 rd or better in all dual meets 3-Automatic State Qualifier in an individual event 4-Compete at the State Meet as a member of an automatic qualifying relay team 5-Finish in the top 6 of an individual event at the Conference Championships
Week 1 Monday- Try-Outs Tuesday- Try-Outs Wednesday- Morning Swim Starts –Afternoon locker check-out- 3:15pm Thursday- normal schedule Friday- Equipment Check-out –Starts at 3:15pm…all athletes will be out by 5:45pm Saturday- –Team Picture Day and “Clash of the Classes” –Boys Pic- 7:00am /// Girls Pic- 7:10am ***Bring your picture packet and check to the photographers***
Green/Silver Intra-squad Meet Tuesday, November 23 –4:30pm Meet Team Dinner to Follow at Scott M.S. –(Families and Athletes)
Frequently Asked Questions Travel Meets –Busses will take athletes to and from away meets –Student-athletes will need to bring money for a dinner after the meet In town Away Meets –Student-athletes are responsible for their own transportation Equipment Check-Out –Green warm-ups (slicks) and grey sweat pants/shirt (sweats) will be checked out Lockers –Lockers will be checked out at the afternoon practice on Wednesday –Do not leave your swim/dive bag in the main office or the athletic office…Pool doors and storage will be open on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until 8:10am Other
Booster Parent and Team Dinners Barbara Delisi Tracey Peterson