KNR 364
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain. Maya Angelou (Aronson, 2006)
Barriers to teaching physical education? Class size Lack of equipment/space
Barriers to teaching physical education? Funding (or lack thereof) Lack of administrative support
Barriers to teaching physical education? Lack of time and facilities Language barriers
Barriers to teaching physical education? Lack of training regarding students with special needs Lack of time for planning
Barriers to teaching physical education? Teacher/Coach role conflict Over integration of “academic” courses
Don’t Become Part of the Problem Awareness of a problem or barrier Reflect on its affect on student learning and job satisfaction Identify the stakeholders who can possibly influence the situation Identify possible solutions
Don’t Become Part of the Problem Answer the question: Can I do something to change this at this time or not? Create a plan that includes small steps toward change or Find a way to let go of the stress and continue to work hard with your students