Alabama Read each question. Choose the correct answer and type it on the line.
Name: 1. Alabama is the _____ state. a. 3rd b. 22nd c. 45th d. 17th
2. _________ is the official state song. a. Alabama b. Star Spangled Banner c. Yankee Doodle d. Amercia the Beautiful
3. The capitol of Alabama is __________. a. Huntsville b. Las Vegas c. Montgomery d. Detroit
4. Alabama’s official insect is the _________. a. monarch butterflyb. mosquito c. ant d. lady bug
5. The sate of Alabama’s official bird is the ____________. a. hawk b. eagle c. yellowhammerd. buzzard
6. What city in Alabama is the space center located in? __________ a. Livingstonb. Columbia c. Huntsville d. Portland
7. The nickname for people in Alabama is ___________. a. Yankees b. Southerners c. Countryd. Alabamians
8. The official state flower is the ___________. a. tulip b. camellia c. pink tea rose d. daisy
9. The official state tree is the _____________. a. longleaf pine b. pecan tree c. palm tree d. coconut tree
10. The big celebration is Mobile is called ___________. a. Mardi Gras b. Million Man March c. March of Dimes d. Relay for Life
Answer Key 1. b6. c 2. a7. d 3. c8. b 4. a9. a 5. c10. a