What is Tradition? From Greek, para/dosi$, (paradosis) “a giving over, giving up. 1. The act of giving up, surrender. 2. A giving over which is done by word of mouth or in writing.” (Thayer)
What is Tradition? Term found 13 times in the New Testament (never in the Old) 10 times negatively 3 times positively It means a teaching passed down, either orally or written.
The Traditions of Men Mark 7:1-13 Jesus questioned about why His disciples at with unwashed hands. Term “tradition” used 5 times in this text
The Traditions of Men Mark 7:1-13 Jewish traditions consisted of washing hands and various vessels. They BOUND these things upon their brethren! Vs. 2 – they found fault Vs. 5 – Why…?
The Traditions of Men Mark 7:1-13 Jews viewed oral traditions as “equally authoritative on matters of belief and conduct.” (ISBE)
The Traditions of Men Mark 7:1-13 Traditions included: Oral laws of Moses Decisions of judges with precedent Interpretations of great Jewish leaders
The Traditions of Men Mark 7:1-13 Jews referred to them as “Traditions of the elders” (Vs. 5) Jesus called them, “traditions of men” (7) & “your tradition” (9, 13)
The Traditions of Men Mark 7:1-13 Jesus REJECTED their traditions and demonstrated we are NOT bound by manmade traditions.
The Traditions of Men Mark 7:1-13 He gave an example of how they rejected God’s law with their own ( 9-13 )
The Traditions of Men Mark 7:1-13 Their behavior resulted in: Distant hearts (6) Vain worship (7) Laying aside God’s commandments (8) Rejecting His commandments (9) The word of God of no effect (13)
The Traditions of Men Other passages: Galatians 1:14 - tradition of my fathers Col. 2:8-9 – traditions of men 1 Pet. 1:17-19 – traditions from your fathers (one word)
The Traditions of Men What about today? Catholicism espouses similar views of tradition as the Jews: Oral teachings of Jesus Decrees from church councils Decrees from various church leaders (i.e. the pope)
The Traditions of Men What about today? Instrumental music NOT in NT – cf. Eph. 5:19, Col. 3:16, 1 Cor. 14:15,… Not documented until 7 th century when Pope Vitalian introduced it w/opposition.
The Traditions of Men What about today? Sprinkling for baptism NOT in NT – Acts 8:38, Col. 2:12, Rom. 6:3-4 Sprinkling came centuries later, associated w/death bed confession.
Apostolic traditions Refers to teachings of Christ and His apostles, that we MUST follow and pass down from generation to generation, without variance!
Apostolic traditions 1 Cor. 11:2 2 Thess. 2:15 2 Thess. 3:6-7 Also 1 Cor. 11:23, 15:3
Apostolic traditions Of such we are instructed to: Hold them – 2 Thess. 2:15 Keep them – 1 Cor. 11:2 Withdraw from every brother who does NOT walk according to them – 2 Thess. 3:6,7
Apostolic traditions Because of such we: Hold fast the pattern – 2 Tim. 1:13 Do all in the name of the Lord – Col. 3:17 We don’t “think beyond what is written” – 1 Cor. 4:6
Apostolic traditions This why we: Don’t use instrumental music DO immerse for baptism Partake of the Lord’s Supper weekly Use Biblical names Respect the limitations of the work of the church
Apostolic traditions This why we: Reject those who do NOT follow the pattern – 2 John 9 Contend earnestly for the faith – Jude 3
Avoiding establishing our own traditions Make sure that whatever we do is NOT binding manmade traditions! While we might have liberty to do things a certain way, we CANNOT bind them on others (i.e. service times, song books, order of services, etc.)
Avoiding establishing our own traditions Be a people of the book! 2 Tim. 2:15, Jude 3, 1 Pet. 3:15 Do we demand “book, chapter and verse” for all that we do?
Avoiding establishing our own traditions Hold to God’s traditions! Col. 2:4-8
Avoiding establishing our own traditions Don’t think more highly of men and their philosophies than we ought to! 1 Cor. 4:6 Think highly enough of brethren to respect their liberties. Phil. 2:4
Is God’s Word truly our standard in all that we do?