1 FCAT Writing (2.0) Assessment Training February 2013 Training Documents posted at:
FCAT 2.0 Writing Administration Schedule Day 1 —Tuesday — February 26, 2013 Grades 4, 8, 10 Writing Test 60 minutes Day 2 — Wednesday — February 27, 2013 Grades 4, 8, 10 Make-up Testing 60 minutes PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAKEUP DAY IN 2013 All Grades 4, 8 and 10 students in attendance on Tuesday February 26 th, 2013 must participate in the FCAT Writing Assessment
3 What’s New for 2013 The Writing Test is now FCAT 2.0 aligned. The Writing Prompt’s administration timing has changed. Students will now be allowed 60 minutes to complete the prompt. Electronic device rule applies to breaks given to students during testing as well. School must maintain a Test Materials Chain of Custody Form
What’s New for 2013 Before taking the FCAT 2.0 Writing Test students must listen to the testing rules and sign the Test Rules Acknowledgement on the back of the planning sheet. Students will not be allowed to test if they do not sign this. They should be removed and tested during a makeup session There is only one makeup day for the 2013 FCAT Writes
5 Reminders for 2013 Inappropriate actions by school or district personnel before, during, or after test administration may result in consequences such as test invalidations and/or loss of teaching certification. Teachers, staff or school personnel may not read any part of the FCAT Writing Prompt. Furthermore staff may not reveal, copy, talk about (after the test) explain, show images regarding, or read to students any part of the FCAT Writing Prompt. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE RULES MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTY OR LOSS OF CERTIFICATION.
6 Reminders for 2013 If a student starts a test and leaves without finishing (for an appointment, illness, etc.), he/she will NOT be allowed to complete the test A seating chart is required for each classroom. It must show the front and back of the room and any changes that occur during testing. Schools must adhere to the testing schedule in the FCAT Writing 2.0 Manual: THE FCAT WRITING PROMPT MUST BE GIVEN TO EVERY STUDENT IN ATTENDANCE ON FEBRUARY 26 th, 2013.
7 Reminders for 2013 Test Administrators Test Administrators Must be certified educators Must be certified educators Must sign Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement & the FCAT Administration and Security Agreement Must sign Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement & the FCAT Administration and Security Agreement Training materials, comment forms and other important materials are available at PearsonAccess.com/fl
8 Reminders for 2013 Preid Labels must include the correct: Student Name, ID Number, District #, School # and Grade Level. Test Administrators may not administer the test to family members, nor can parents or guardians be present during testing. Possession of an electronic device is cause for invalidation
9 Reminders for 2013 All itinerant teachers and school staff, including administrative staff, must receive thorough training and be provided with an FCAT Writing Manual well ahead of the test date Writing folder Security numbers must be recorded and tracked. Test Group Codes must be marked with the required administration information.
10 Special Groups* 1. Home Education Students: #06/ McKay Scholarship Students: #06/ CTC Scholarship Students: #97/ FLVS Full Time: K-8 Grades #71/0300, 9-12 Grades #71/ Florida Virtual Academy: School #50/7079 *Scores not aggregated with district or school data. *Materials must be packaged with a separate paper band for return and scoring. *Schools are identified by District/School Number above
11 Accommodations Who is eligible? Who is eligible? ESE students with current IEPs ESE students with current IEPs Students classified under Section 504 Students classified under Section 504 English Language Learners (ELL) students English Language Learners (ELL) students Reasons for accommodations Reasons for accommodations Arrangements made in advance Arrangements made in advance
12 Administration Accommodations (Appendix A) ESE/504 students Presentation Presentation Responding Responding Scheduling Scheduling Setting Setting Assistive Devices Assistive Devices ELL students Flexible setting Flexible scheduling Flexible timing Assistance in heritage language Dictionary
13 Registration Mark Security Number Area Timing Tracks Registration Mark Place Label Here
14 Preidentified Information If the following information on the label is correct, the label may be used: If the following information on the label is correct, the label may be used: Student Name Student Name Student ID Number: Use the student’s External Number from TERMS Student ID Number: Use the student’s External Number from TERMS District AND School Number; and District AND School Number; and Grade Level Grade Level Do Not Use Label if this information is NOT correct Do Not Use Label if this information is NOT correct If other information is incorrect, you may use the label, If other information is incorrect, you may use the label, Hand-grid any missing information Hand-grid any missing information Make sure students receive the document with the correct preidentified label affixed Make sure students receive the document with the correct preidentified label affixed
15 Test Invalidation & Security Procedures
1) Defective Writing Folder 2) Wrong Pre-ID information 3) Label placed over another label 4) Cheating or disruptive behavior 5) Possession of prohibited electronic device 6) Illness during testing OR Incorrect time 7)Incorrect Accommodations OR Validity of test compromised 16 Test Invalidation Decision: Submit w/enough time OR DNS* with not enough time Grid DNSGrid DNS TranscribeTranscribe New FolderNew Folder Invalidate that Session* Contact Student Assessment * If DNS is indicated, submit with TO BE SCORED DOCUMENTS
17 Test Security DO NOT: Read, reveal, display, talk about or copy writing prompts, passages, test items, or contents of answer folders in any way Interpret or read writing prompts, test items, or passages for students Change or interfere with student responses Read or copy student responses Cause achievement of students or schools to be inaccurately measured or reported
18 Test Security Writing Folder contents (the prompt) should never be viewed or opened by any staff member at your school. Writing Folder contents (the prompt) should never be viewed or opened by any staff member at your school. Only the school testing coordinator may open packages and place labels Only the school testing coordinator may open packages and place labels Never leave test documents unsecured Never leave test documents unsecured Keep test documents in locked storage Keep test documents in locked storage Collect materials daily and count each time they change hands Collect materials daily and count each time they change hands Track security numbers as folders change hands Track security numbers as folders change hands Students cannot help to prepare materials Students cannot help to prepare materials ALL School Coordinators, Test Administrators, and Proctors must sign a “FCAT Administration and Security Agreement” found in Appendix C ALL School Coordinators, Test Administrators, and Proctors must sign a “FCAT Administration and Security Agreement” found in Appendix C
19 Security Log
20 Administration Record/Security Checklist Test Administrators must maintain the following information : ALL Students Assigned to Testing Room Writing Folder Security Number & Test Group Code Attendance Information: (P) Present (PI) Present but Invalidated (A) Absent (W) Withdrawn Columns to track Grade Level, Signatures (TA and TC) and Dates received and returned.
21 Writing Admin Record/Security Checklist
22 Missing Materials/Security Breach Initiate a thorough investigation Initiate a thorough investigation School Coordinators IMMEDIATELY contact Student Assessment staff at (754) School Coordinators IMMEDIATELY contact Student Assessment staff at (754) Principal generates letter of explanation on school letterhead Principal generates letter of explanation on school letterhead Letter sent to Chief School Performance and Accountability Officer and cc to Director of Student Assessment and Research within 2 days Letter sent to Chief School Performance and Accountability Officer and cc to Director of Student Assessment and Research within 2 days
23 Seating Chart Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate seating chart. All seating charts must indicate the front and back of the room, as well as the direction the students are facing. Also record the room #, student names and locations, date, test start time, TA name, Proctor names and Test Group Code. If students are moved to a different location during testing, a new seating chart must be created and maintained for this location.
24 Test Administrator Responsibilities
25 Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing Read manual and attend training Read manual and attend training Prepare room for testing Prepare room for testing Post Electronic Devices and Do Not Disturb signs Post Electronic Devices and Do Not Disturb signs Prepare and verify student grid sheets Prepare and verify student grid sheets Receive Test Group Codes Receive Test Group Codes Ensure electronic devices are out of arms reach Ensure electronic devices are out of arms reach
26 Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing Sign and return “Test Administration and Security Agreement” and “Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement” forms Sign and return “Test Administration and Security Agreement” and “Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement” forms Prepare: Prepare: Required Administration information Required Administration information Seating Chart Seating Chart Security Log Security Log Assemble materials (pencils, watch or clock, writing folders, planning sheets, manual) Assemble materials (pencils, watch or clock, writing folders, planning sheets, manual)
27 Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing After asking students to clear desks, distribute materials After asking students to clear desks, distribute materials Read scripts verbatim Read scripts verbatim Post start and stopping times- Standard timing is 60 minutes only Post start and stopping times- Standard timing is 60 minutes only Complete FCAT Security Log & Admin Record Complete FCAT Security Log & Admin Record Complete Seating Chart Complete Seating Chart Maintain Security Maintain Security If there is a problem in testing such as a mistiming or unforeseen event (bells going off, fire drill etc) contact your School Testing Coordinator for instructions. If there is a problem in testing such as a mistiming or unforeseen event (bells going off, fire drill etc) contact your School Testing Coordinator for instructions.
28 Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing Actively supervise the test administration and ensure the following: Students are using only No. 2 pencils Students do not have books, notes, scratch paper, or electronic devices of any kind during testing, even if they do not use them Students have signed the student pledge Students do not talk or make any disturbance Students are working independently Students are recording their responses in the correct area
29 Test Administrator Responsibilities It is not appropriate to use cell or classroom phones, grade papers, or work on the computer during testing. While you may encourage students to continue working, you may not talk with them about the prompt or help them with their responses. If students finish the test before the allotted time for the session has elapsed, you may encourage them to go back and check their work. You may not collect test materials prior to the end of the 60-minute session
30 Test Administrator Responsibilities After testing Remove planning sheets from writing folders Remove planning sheets from writing folders Notify School Coordinator of any missing materials Notify School Coordinator of any missing materials Check student information, remove stray marks, check DNS and UNDO bubbles Check student information, remove stray marks, check DNS and UNDO bubbles Complete Test Administration Security Log, Administration Record / Security Checklist and Seating Chart Complete Test Administration Security Log, Administration Record / Security Checklist and Seating Chart Check student grid information and DNS bubbles Check student grid information and DNS bubbles Group “to be scored” per instructions on pg Group “to be scored” per instructions on pg Complete Test Administrator Comment Form: Complete Test Administrator Comment Form:
31 Test Administrator Material Return Use Appendix C cover sheets in the following order: 1. Absent Students’ answer documents (Make-Up Testing) 2. TO BE SCORED Cover sheet on top of the TO BE SCORED Writing Folders (School, Home Education, McKay, CTC Scholarship and formerly Florida Virtual Schools). Circle the Grade level 3. NOT TO BE SCORED Cover sheets and Writing Folders 4. Planning sheets (used and unused) 5. Administration Manual 6. Security Log 7. Seating Chart 8. Administration Record / Security Checklist
32 School Coordinator Responsibilities
33 School Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing: Receive & Inventory Test Materials- Writing Folders Receive & Inventory Test Materials- Writing Folders Keep materials secure at all times. Keep materials secure at all times. No more than three individuals may have access to the locked storage area. No more than three individuals may have access to the locked storage area. Must use a Chain of Custody Form to track material access Must use a Chain of Custody Form to track material access Do not open shrink-wrapped materials or begin preparing (applying student labels) more than one week prior to testing. Do not open shrink-wrapped materials or begin preparing (applying student labels) more than one week prior to testing. Save the original boxes for returning special document materials. Save the original boxes for returning special document materials. If you need additional materials or if you have questions, contact If you need additional materials or if you have questions, contact
34 School Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing: You are responsible for training and assigning all test administrators and proctors, including non-school-based instructors (e.g., itinerant teachers). Test Administrators must be certified educators. Test Administrators must be certified educators. Test administrators who will be administering the test to students using large print or Braille materials must be trained in the use of those test materials. Test administrators who will be administering the test to students using large print or Braille materials must be trained in the use of those test materials. For students with accommodations, make sure that test administrators are aware of and have made provisions for the exact accommodations needed for individual students. For students with accommodations, make sure that test administrators are aware of and have made provisions for the exact accommodations needed for individual students. Sign & Collect Signed Test Administration and Security Agreement and Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement Forms Sign & Collect Signed Test Administration and Security Agreement and Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement Forms
35 School Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing: Affix Student Labels Affix Student Labels Prepare for Administration Accommodations Prepare for Administration Accommodations Ensure that Test Administrators have: Ensure that Test Administrators have: Records of Required Administration Information Records of Required Administration Information Seating Charts Seating Charts Security Logs Security Logs
School Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing: Ensure appropriate test settings for each test room: Ensure appropriate test settings for each test room: The test should be administered in a room that has comfortable seating, good lighting, and sufficient workspace. There should be at least 3 feet between students Make sure that students are not facing each other when seated at tables and are not in seating (stadium or staggered) that allows them to easily view other students’ answers Students may not have access to any unauthorized aids.
Before Testing: Communicate Testing Policies to Parents and Students Electronic Devices Policy—If students are found with ANY electronic devices during testing, their tests will be invalidated. The best practice would be for students to leave devices at home or in their lockers on the day of testing. Leaving Campus—If students leave campus before completing the test (an appointment, or illness, etc.), they WILL NOT be allowed to complete the test. Student Pledge—Students will be asked to sign a pledge prior to testing indicating that they will not give or receive unauthorized help during the test. If students are caught cheating, their tests will be invalidated. School Coordinator Responsibilities
38 Supervise Test Administration Provide test administrators with additional materials during testing, as necessary. Monitor each testing room to ensure that test administration and test security policies and procedures are being followed. Be available during testing to answer questions from test administrators. Make sure that security logs, seating charts, and records of required administration information are being maintained in each testing room. School Coordinator Responsibilities During Testing
39 Maintain Security After ANY administration, initial OR make-up, materials must be returned to you immediately. Materials must be placed in locked storage until they are packaged for return. Maintain the Chain of Custody form to track materials. Secure materials should never remain in classrooms or be taken from the school’s campus overnight. Report any testing irregularities or security breaches to Student Assessment & Research immediately. School Coordinator Responsibilities During Testing
After Testing: Verify Return of all Secure Materials Verify Return of all Secure Materials Complete Security Checklist and verify all materials have been returned Complete Security Checklist and verify all materials have been returned Notify Student Assessment of any missing materials Notify Student Assessment of any missing materials Copy ALL completed Security Checklist, Security Logs, Seating Charts, Administration Records and the Chain of Custody Form. Copy ALL completed Security Checklist, Security Logs, Seating Charts, Administration Records and the Chain of Custody Form. Check DNS Bubbles Check DNS Bubbles Complete on-line School Coordinator Comment Form: Complete on-line School Coordinator Comment Form: School Coordinator Responsibilities After Testing
41 Material Packing & Return
42 Preparing Materials for Return Separate and Stack materials in this order: 1. School TO BE SCORED Writing Folders 2. Home Education (9998), McKay Scholarship (3518), FTC Scholarship (9999), District Virtual Instruction Program(7001 or 7023), and Florida Virtual Academy (50/7079) TO BE SCORED Writing Folders 3. ALL NOT TO BE SCORED Writing Folders 4. ALL Planning Sheets 5. All Administration Records / Security Checklists 6. All FCAT Writing Security Logs 7. FCAT Seating Charts
43 School Coordinator Material Return Package School TO BE SCORED Materials Package School TO BE SCORED Materials Complete a Document Count Form by following the instructions on the form and page Complete a Document Count Form by following the instructions on the form and page Separate Paper Bands for each grade level and special program Separate Paper Bands for each grade level and special program Package Home Education, McKay Scholarship, Florida Virtual and FTC Scholarship TO BE SCORED Materials Package Home Education, McKay Scholarship, Florida Virtual and FTC Scholarship TO BE SCORED Materials Complete a Document Count Form for each group by grade level Complete a Document Count Form for each group by grade level Prepare a separate set of paper bands for each group Prepare a separate set of paper bands for each group Prepare NOT TO BE SCORED Materials Prepare NOT TO BE SCORED Materials Make copies of ALL document count forms for your records Make copies of ALL document count forms for your records
44 Preparing Paper Bands
45 RED Label– TO BE SCORED Please follow the Package Materials for Return Instructions beginning on pages of your FCAT 2.0 Writing Manual Virtual School Document Count Form(s) and banded stacks of TO BE SCORED Answer Documents by grade level Virtual School Document Count Form(s) and banded stacks of TO BE SCORED Answer Documents by grade level Home Education Document Count Form(s) and banded stacks of TO BE SCORED Answer Documents by grade level Home Education Document Count Form(s) and banded stacks of TO BE SCORED Answer Documents by grade level McKay Scholarship Document Count Form(s) and banded stacks of TO BE SCORED Answer Documents by grade level McKay Scholarship Document Count Form(s) and banded stacks of TO BE SCORED Answer Documents by grade level FTC Scholarship Document Count Form(s) and banded stacks of TO BE SCORED Answer Documents by grade level FTC Scholarship Document Count Form(s) and banded stacks of TO BE SCORED Answer Documents by grade level Your school’s Document Count Forms and banded stacks of TO BE SCORED Answer Documents by grade level Your school’s Document Count Forms and banded stacks of TO BE SCORED Answer Documents by grade level All TO BE SCORED Materials must be returned in with a RED-labeled affixed to top of box. Number boxes 1 of N, 2 of N where N is the total number of RED labeled boxes.
46 YELLOW Label – NOT TO BE SCORED Place ALL NOT TO BE SCORED materials in boxes including: Place ALL NOT TO BE SCORED materials in boxes including: 1. Any Unused Writing Folders 2. Invalidated Writing Folders (with the DNS bubble gridded) 3. Defective Writing Folders (if applicable) 4. Unused Special Document Materials (if applicable) Seal boxes and affix a YELLOW label to the top of the box. Seal boxes and affix a YELLOW label to the top of the box. Number boxes 1 of N, 2 of N where N is the total number of YELLOW labeled boxes. Number boxes 1 of N, 2 of N where N is the total number of YELLOW labeled boxes.
47 District Coordinator Only Boxes ALL Planning Sheets (used and unused) ALL Planning Sheets (used and unused) ORIGINAL Admin Record / Security Checklists ORIGINAL Admin Record / Security Checklists ORIGINAL Test Administration Security Logs ORIGINAL Test Administration Security Logs ORIGINAL Seating Charts ORIGINAL Seating Charts ORIGINAL Chain of Custody forms ORIGINAL Chain of Custody forms Write District Coordinator ONLY, Your School Name and Number to the top of the box. Write District Coordinator ONLY, Your School Name and Number to the top of the box. Please discard at the school site after scores are reported: test administration manuals, unused paper bands, unused document count forms, unused return labels. Please discard at the school site after scores are reported: test administration manuals, unused paper bands, unused document count forms, unused return labels.
48 Material Return Chart Label Color TO BE SCORED Writing Folders* RED NOT TO BE SCORED Materials YELLOW Large Print and Braille Materials (TO BE SCORED and NOT TO BE SCORED documents and Braille notes) WHITEPINK Planning Sheets (used and unused) Original Administrative Materials: Admin Records / Security Checklists FCAT Chain of Custody FCAT Seating Charts & Security Logs No Return Label – Mark Boxes District Coordinator ONLY *No calibration Sample in 2013
49 Material Return Leave your materials out for Pony staff to pick-up All FCAT Writing Materials (To-Be-Scored and Not-To-Be- Scored) will be picked up by Pony on Thursday, February 28 th OR Friday, March 1 st We can not tell you exactly what day Pony will arrive at your school for pick up, so you materials must be ready and placed in your Pony pick up location on the first day of pick up which is Thursday, February 28th