Transferring to EHCP in Kent October 2015 Julie Ely Head of SEN Assessment & Placement
Kent % assessments in 26 weeks in Kent, 82% nationally Nationally 4205 EHCPs (incl. conversions), S.E Region 655, Kent 230 (May 2015 DfE data) Nationally 61.5% of first time finals issued in 20 weeks, Kent’s 85 in 12% DfE report 1.2% of Statements transferred, Kent 2.3% (Jan 15) Kent is large – over 300 miles of coastline and 7 CCGs – challenge of scale 400 schools (FEC/settings and non-maintained) engaged with changes at briefings, trainings and events e.g. Deaf EXPO
The Process Pre planning – education provider to prepare up to 12 weeks in advance –Contact health –Electronic SSEN provided –Traffic light system (RAG ) –Pre meets for parent and child/YP views –Meeting fatigue Education providers host the review –review report format mirrors EHCP –submits documentation to the LA LA conducts assessment –Statutory Assessment Meeting (SAM) offered LA issues proposed Plan
What have we learned? Co-production Statutory Assessment Meetings (SAM) strategic - EHC Workshops, development of all new documentation extensive collaboration with parents, parent support groups Cultural shift – for schools, parents and LA High expectations – not always a reality Quality Assurance School to school support; LIFT, outreach More targeted; High Needs Funding, SCARF Consistency Training Outcomes not objectives
Writing Outcomes Statement ObjectiveEHC Plan Outcome Develop her ability to comprehend and use language so that she can access the curriculum effectively and engage in positive reciprocal relationships I will learn how to play with my friends and to look after younger children as a ‘Buddy’ by the end of KS2, so that I can enjoy my playtimes and other people enjoy playing with me too. Develop her social and emotional literacy skills so that she can engage effectively with her learning and social environment and her anxiety levels are reduced. I understand that arriving at school on time helps me to be prepared for the day ahead and start the day calmly. By the time I leave Primary School, I will be doing this all the time so that I can start Secondary School more calmly too. Develop her learning skills and increase her independent problem- solving skills so that she can access and make progress across the curriculum in line with her cognitive ability. By the time I reach the end of KS2, I will be better at understanding what I need to do and how I need to do it, so that I can work independently more often.
Transition Reviews Since 1 st September Conversion meetings held 3115 Number of Proposed Plans issued (prior to 01/09/15)522 Number of final EHC plans issued (prior to 01/09/15)10% Challenge Volume of conversion meetings held – overwhelming High Quality Plans in timescales SMART Outcomes Operating dual systems 1996 Act and 2014 Act Recruitment of staff – calibre of staff Solution 6 x FTE funded via Reforms Grant dedicated to conversions
LDA and Statements Same process but FE colleagues lead conversion reviews Additional training provided to FE re Children and Families Act 1014 Understanding statutory duties – schedule 27 Annual Review training - the basics FE Advantages –Confident and experienced in talking to YP –Good understanding of Mental Capacity Act – no anxiety Challenges Record keeping – which student with LDAs were ‘live’
Feedback Feedback from Families like the RAG system – really clear and transparent Person centred reviews Kelsi XDelays XMisunderstanding re expectations. o Consultation = all parental requests for content and placement must be agreed Feedback from Education Providers Value training XAnxiety – paperwork and timescales feedback from families/schools/ colleges
Priority Groups Groups of children/young people that are in a priority group 2015/162016/ /18 (by 1 April 2018) Children moving from an early years setting to a school RRR Children moving from primary to middle schoolRRR Children moving from primary to secondary schoolRRR Children moving from middle to secondary schoolRRR All other children with statements of SEN in year 6 (including those not moving institution) R Children in year 9RRR Children/young people moving from school (including school sixth forms) to a post-16 institution or an apprenticeship RRR All other children/young people in year 11 (including those not moving institution) R Those moving from mainstream to special school or vice versa RRR Those moving between local authorities R Those leaving youth custodyR (on release)R (on release Young people who receive support as a result of an LDA who intend to be in education beyond 31 August 2016 R (on request)N/A All others who do not fall into the above categories R Year 7 / Year 2 plans from September 2016
KCC’s Priorities for Quality and Pace Culture change; co-production; pupil views and person centred reviews Annual Review Formal. No separate paperwork Plans will be updated every year. All documentation to LA within 2 weeks
KCC’s Priorities for In-year reviews “mini-meetings” less formal progress towards OUTCOMES parents/YP agreement to minor changes Health Inequalities therapy, nursing, CAMHS Tribunal Pilot with health and social care