Unite for a Better World How we work together to promote economic and social progress for all
As countries develop, the world is changing. We have a chance to serve that changing world.
We have a vision to make the United Nations more effective.
The UN system’s global presence gives it unique advantages in helping countries develop. UN Program Countries
The UN family has an opportunity to think, plan and work together more strategically.
We can help the UN focus on its comparative advantages in the new aid environment. Core contributions by OECD DAC member countries to major multilateral agencies (constant 2005 USD million)
The more coherent, effective and efficient we make the UN, the better we can support development. The Millennium Development Goals
Together we can help millions of people attain prosperity and equality and realize their rights.
We are trying to Deliver as One to increase the UN’s impact on the lives of people in developing countries. Albania Pakistan Cape Verde Mozambique RwandaTanzania Uruguay Viet Nam
Delivering as One builds on the existing reform agenda set by UN member states.
The 2007 Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review endorsed the UNDAF as the common planning tool.
The UN is becoming more strategic, coordinated and aligned with national priorities. Common Country Assessments and UN Development Assistance Frameworks Harmonized and simplified programming cycles, tools and procedures More joint programmes Stronger Resident Coordinator System Reduced transaction costs Better quality assurance and oversight
The UN Development Group has agreed on five roles in the new international aid architecture. building capacity promoting the MDGs piloting and post-conflict assistance providing policy advice being a bridge and convener
The High-Level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence proposed creating pilots.
The eight pilots have developed different models to Deliver as One. One Programme One Empowered Leader and Team One Budgetary Framework One Office
One programme provides countries relevant assistance from all members of the UN family.
One empowered leader and empowered team work together with clear accountability.
One budgetary framework uses donor resources strategically in each country.
One office unites agencies through harmonized business processes and often a UN House.
The governments are taking more ownership, and the UN is better aligned with their priorities. One Programme signing ceremony, Viet Nam
Joint programming, analysis and prioritization are key improvements emerging from the pilots.
The joint budgetary framework and One Fund are proving to be effective tools. One Programme signing ceremony, Rwanda
UN agencies better understand each others’ mandates, expertise, and business models.
Support the pilots and learn from them as they put their plans into action.
The pilots have made a lot of progress and are working to resolve many challenges. Tanzania: Resident Coordinator’s Office staff with their One Programme document.
Pilots need to balance inclusiveness with strategic focus, and authority with accountability. Regional Directors meeting, Uruguay
The UN Evaluation Group is looking at the pilots to see how well they Deliver as One.
The Secretary-General wants everyone to support a united UN system. “The true measure of success for the United Nations is not how much we promise but how much we deliver for those who need us most”.
As countries develop, the world is changing. We have a chance to serve that changing world.
The more coherent, effective and efficient we make the UN, the better we can support development.
Together we can help millions of people attain prosperity and equality and realize their rights.