The Sun
Abundance of Elements in the Sun Element% by Number% by Mass Hydrogen Helium Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Neon Magnesium
Relative sizes Visible sphere of the Sun Earth
Structure of the Sun
What Makes the Sun to Shine? Chemical Would only provide the necessary energy for 3000 years Gravitational Contraction Proposed by Helmholtz and Kelvin - would power the Sun for a few hundred million years By the early 1900’s geologists showed that the Earth is billions of years old.
Nuclear Energy
Fundamental Forces Strong Nuclear Holds the nucleus of the atom together Electromagnetic Responsible for all chemical reactions Weak Nuclear Governs radioactive decay Gravity
Proton-proton chain Step 1 1 H + 1 H —> 2 H + e + + neutrino Step 2 2 H + 1 H —> 3 He + photon 2H2H e+e+ 3 He photon 4 He photon 1H1H 1H1H Step 3 3 He + 3 He —> 4 He + 1 H + 1 H +photon
Hydrogen Fusion Net result 4H --> He + e energy Four protons are 0.7% more massive than one He E = mc 2
1.6 km C 2 Cl 4 Neutrino Telescope Cosmic Rays Ar Argon Atom 100,000 gal. tank Gold Mine Ar
Solar Neutrino Problem
Energy Transport Conduction: the transfer of heat in a solid by collisions between atoms and/or molecules. Not applicable in stars Radiation: the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves. Inside the Sun and most stars, radiation is the principal means of heat transport. Convection: the transfer of heat in a gas or liquid by means of the motion of the material.
McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope
Photosphere Big Bear Solar Observatory October 21, 2009
The Sharp Limb Limit of resolution is one arcsec 700 km at 1 AU Density falls very quickly in photosphere Opaque here Transparent here
Limb Darkening Same 700 km penetration depth Viewed at disk center, light originates deeper Temperature falls with height in photosphere
Temperature of Photosphere Photosphere
Solar Spectrum
Granulation Typically 1000 km across Bright center, dark edge Center moving out, edges moving in The Movie
Granulation Convection Hot Cool Hot
Chromosphere Observing strategies During total eclipses
Chromosphere Using spectroheliograph H H
Chromosphere Supergranulation
Chromosphere CaII
Spicules Movie
The Corona The quiet corona The active corona
X-ray emission The Movie
Solar Wind Distance from photosphere Velocity Average particle velocity Escape Velocity
The Corona is Hot The Corona is hot! X-ray emission Lines of highly ionized iron FeX, FeXIV, FeXV Requires T 2,000,000 K Coronal holes are the source of the Solar Wind
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