1 st AMENDMENT = S.P.P.A.R Freedom of Speech Some speech is not protected: -Threats-Lies -Clear and present danger. You can’t yell: “Fire!” in a crowded movie house
1 st AMENDMENT = S.P.P.A.R (cont.) The right to: PETITION: Right to let the govt. know how you feel PETITION: Right to let the govt. know how you feel
1 st AMENDMENT = SPPAR (cont) The freedom of the: Press: newspapers can report on anything they like: as long as its true. Press: newspapers can report on anything they like: as long as its true.
1 st AMENDMENT = SPPAR The freedom of: Assembly: You have the right get together with your friends. Assembly: You have the right get together with your friends.
1 st AMENDMENT = SPPAR Freedom of: Religion: Religion: Free to practice any religion as long as it does not hurt others Establishment Clause: Separation of church and state
2 nd Amendment The Right to Bear Arms The Right to Bear Arms Not all arms are permitted however Not all arms are permitted however
4 th Amendment The right to be free from illegal search and seizure. Probable Cause! The right to be free from illegal search and seizure. Probable Cause! Search Warrants!
5 th Amendment: Rights of the Accused Must be charged within 24 hours if held by the police Must be charged within 24 hours if held by the police NO Double Jeopardy: you can only be tried once for a crime. NO Double Jeopardy: you can only be tried once for a crime. You do not have to testify against yourself in court. You do not have to testify against yourself in court.
7 th Amendment The right to a trial by jury in cases over $20 The right to a trial by jury in cases over $20
8 th Amendment The right to be free from Cruel and Unusual punishment The right to be free from Cruel and Unusual punishment