Monday October 19, 2015 Planner: You Need: To Do: HW: NONE! Today: Daily 5 To Do: Trim and tape lesson (like a book) onto NB p. 25 use only 2 pieces of tape on each page
25 24
TOC p. 25 Lesson 5 - Monocots and Dicots
Learning Target We will observe, draw, label and reflect on the structure and function of plants.
What I Know about Plants
Bean and Corn Observation p. 11
Bean vs Corn?
Bean Plant
Corn Plant
Nutritional Needs Reading OMM p. 47-49
When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door! REMINDER HW: Finish Nutritional Needs reading When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door!
Powerpoint Slides
Tuesday October 20, 2015 Planner: You Need: To Do: HW: Finish Lesson 5 pages 13-16 -I will post a “help page” with diagrams to my website under PPs You Need: Today: Daily 5 To Do: Open your notebook to p. 25 - quietly fill out the 2nd column in our table “what I want to know about plants” - at least 3 things please.
Learning Target We will observe, draw, label and reflect on the structure and function of plants.
Nutritional Needs Reading Lesson 5 - page 2
Germination of Plants Take Notes on Lesson pages 3-6
Germination GERMINATION happens when a baby plant is growing Germination GERMINATION happens when a baby plant is growing. When a seed begins to grow, we say it GERMINATES.
How Plants Grow 1.) When the seed starts to germinate, the first thing to come out is the MAIN ROOT. This happens UNDERGROUND so usually you can not see this happen. 2.) The skin starts to split and the tiny shoot straightens, carrying the COTYLEDON(S) with it. The cotyledons STORE FOOD for the baby plant inside the seed. The actual PLANT is between the cotyledons. 3.) The main root gets bigger and sometimes the plant grows side roots, and the first LEAVES appear.
To grow, the seed's growing conditions usually have to be DAMP, WARM, and DARK, like springtime soil. A dry seed will stay DORMANT (not growing) unless it soaks in some water. Then it will start to germinate.
Monocots vs. Dicots Stems- Dicots- The TUBES are arranged in a CIRCLE around the center of the plant stem. Monocots- Tubes are SCATTERED throughout the stems in no particular PATTERN. Dicot Monocot
Leaves- In dicots, the veins INTERSCET inside the leaf, forming a BRANCHING pattern. In monocots the veins are PARALLEL
Flowers- Dicots- Their parts are in multiples of 2, 4 or 5. Monocots-Usually have flower parts that are in multiples of 3.
4. Seeds- Monocots have ONLY ONE cotyledon Dicots have MORE THAN ONE cotyledon
5. Roots- Dicots usually have one long, thick root called a TAP ROOT Small SECONDARY roots grow from the taproot. The longer the taproot, the harder it is to pull out of the ground. Monocots have FIBROUS roots that spread and branch out UNDERGROUND. Much larger surface area of the roots usually means much larger plant growth.
Monocot or Dicot Pages p. 13-16
When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door! REMINDER HW: Finish Lesson pages 13-16 (do the best you can - use your notes from today) When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door!
Wednesday October 21, 2015 Planner: You Need: To Do: HW: Complete Scientific Current Event Assignment for Monday You Need: Today: Daily 5 To Do: Pick up two yellow handouts - start to look at the directions for reading/reviewing science current event articles
Learning Target We will gather, read and synthesize information in order to write a scientific explanation
Current Event Assignment This first time - I am giving everyone the same article on Earthworms and Rain Pre-Read/During Reading/Scientific Question Claim/Evidence/Reasoning Details - explain the article
During Reading
Scientific Question/Problem
Scientific Explanation
Scientific Explanation
My Father is an Alien
My Father is an Alien What is the evidence to support this claim?
My Father is an Alien Claim: My father is an alien Evidence: He speaks a wierd language He drinks green stuff He wears strange clothes “just look at him” He drives a spaceship
Claim Evidence Reasoning Claim Evidence Reasoning is a framework for constructing scientific explanations. •Claim – statement that answers the question or problem; the main idea; •Evidence – the facts that support the claim •Reasoning – explanation of the logic behind why the facts support the claim
My Father is an Alien Claim: My father is an alien Evidence:He speaks a wierd language He drinks green stuff He wears strange clothes He drives a spaceship Reasoning: Aliens have spaceships, wear strange clothes, drink unusual drinks and speak a different language and since my father does these, he must be an alien.
Written Example Claim: Seattle Reign was the best team in the NWSL this year . Evidence: The Reign had the best record with 13 wins, 3 losses and 4 ties. The Reign had the most goals scored with 41 points. The Reign played Kansas City FC twice in the regular season and each won the game played at home. Reasoning: The Reign was the best team in 2015 because we had the best regular season record and best statistics even though the Reign lost to Kansas City in the final game.
Start Article 1. PreRead and predict 2. During Reading - active - underline, circle, ? and ! 3. Scientific Question? 4. Turn paper over and continue
When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door! REMINDER HW: Complete Scientific Current Event Article Assignment - due Monday When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door!
Thursday October 22, 2015 Planner: You Need: To Do: HW: Complete Scientific Current Event Assignment for Monday; Notebook grading starts next week You Need: Today: Daily 5 To Do: Turn to Lesson 4 , page 2 for our next pond observations Clear your desks of all binders/books
Learning Target We will predict, observe, draw, label, and reflect on changes over time to a model pond ecosystem.
Day 9 Count and note how many Lemna you see? Label all the pond ingredients and use a ruler to show where each is located
Pond Observation - Micro B’s get pond from back of room for your table You will take one drop of pond water - using the pipette and place it into a depression slide. You will take a second drop of water and make a 2nd depression slide. 2 microscopes. Observe the pond water - look for any organisms and draw any you see
Micro - TIPS for SUCCESS Adjust the diaphragm of microscope - less light! Start on low and scan for organisms - move to medium power when you see movement 2 samples and try to get at least one sample from down lower in your pond (near rice)
Pond Observation - Micro C’s responsible for cleaning (rinse in water) the slides and pipette and putting back in bin D’s responsible for putting microscope away
Pond Observation - Macro This is day 9 Count the number of lemna “fronds” you see Draw a detailed picture of your pond - label all the ingredients (even new ones you see) using a ruler
Ponds “A’s” return ponds to windowsill and loosen cover On page 22, reflect and write about what changed since your last pond observation - this will help you with the “pond paper assignment” at the end of the lesson
When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door! REMINDER HW: Complete Scientific Current Event Article Assignment - due Monday;Notebook grading starts next week When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door!
Friday October 23, 2015 Planner: You Need: To Do: Finish all reading questions in Lesson 5 Complete Scientific Current Event Assignment Notebook grading starts next week You Need: Today: Daily 5 To Do: Open your notebook to Lesson 5 so I can stamp what’s complete; review and be ready to discuss
Learning Target We will observe, draw, label and reflect on the structure and function of plants.
HW Pages 13-16
OMM Reading p. 59-61 From Seed to Adult Plant Popcorn read this article Questions are on page 7-8 of lesson
OMM Reading p. 209-211 Growing Seedless Fruit Individual reading Questions are on pages 8-9 of NB
When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door! REMINDER HW: Finish all reading questions in Lesson 5 on pages 7-9 Complete Scientific Current Event Article Assignment Notebook grading starts next week When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door!