Matjaž Gams Institut “Jožef Stefan” Alan Turing Einstein of computer science 1JSI, AMT
100-anniversary 100-anniversary -ACM Turing Centenary Celebration to Be Webcast Live! Alan Turing Centenary Conference, Več 10 konferenc v večini držav sveta -Več novih knjig - Specialna številka revije Informatica 100 YEARS OF ALAN TURING AND 20 YEARS OF SLAIS -Conference on 100 YEARS OF ALAN TURING AND 20 YEARS OF SLAIS, 11 October 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia To be held at the 15th International Multiconference Information Society IS-2012IS
Important years birth 1936 – Turing machine Enigma 1950 – birth of AI, Turing test death Donald Michie died 2009 – official rehabilitation centenary 3JSI, AMT
Abstract computing machine Can compute anything computable Formalizes the concept of algorithm Universal Turing machine can simulate all other TMs – universal TM, UTM Church-Turing thesis: “everything algorithmically computable is computable by a Turing machine."Turing machine 1936 – Turing machine, TM 4 JSI, AMT Gödel’s 1st theorem, decidability Independent of time, HW Universal concept, like Einstein’s relativity
„Stronger than“ Turing hypercomputer TM with oracle Quantum computer? Accelerating TS Multiple TM (worlds)
Multiple worlds Schrëding equation, Heisenberg’s principle, collapse On the other hand, the collapse is considered as redundant in the Bohm interpretation the Many-Worlds InterpretationMany-Worlds Interpretation Multiverse Occam’s razor? 100x black matter needed String theory
Enigma German coding machine Turing led the decoding of Enigma Designed „bombe“ Donald Michie in the team Web source: -One of the most important non-military discoveries in WW2 -Saved Nx1000 lives -Shortened WW2 by M months 7 JSI, AMT
1950 – birth of AI, Turing test 8 Turing, Alan (October 1950), "Computing Machinery and Intelligence", Mind. What can computers do? Can they think, love …? „Strong AI“ (GOFAI) computer can do anything a human can Turing: Intelligent behaviour presumably consists in a departure from the completely disciplined behaviour involved in computation. Machine intelligence McCarthy AI JSI, AMT
1950 – birth of AI, Turing test 9 Turing, Alan (October 1950), "Computing Machinery and Intelligence", Mind. Turing test – TT too hard or too simple? "Fair" Turing test Total TT – TTT, visual TT Total total TT – TTTT Loebner test CAPTCHA, Jeopardy 2011 Searl’s Chinese room JSI, AMT
Processing power Time Human Computers People + Computers = Information society Flynn +30 Kurtzweil 10 HUMAN/COMPUTER INTELLIGENCE Drake’s equation Kurtzweil
1954 – death 2009 – official rehabilitation 11JSI, AMT on behalf of the British government, and all those who live freely thanks to Alan's work I am very proud to say: we're sorry, you deserved so much better
Donald Michie Donald Michie 12 With Turing on the Enigma project, first director of any AI department in the world in 1965, was director at the Turing institute where several Slovenian researchers studied for a while, honorary member of JSI, SAZU … Ivan Bratko, father of Slovenian AI, Donald was 1 month per year in Ivan’s room at JSI. Now at JSI Turing’s room, Donald Michie’s room Sobotna priloga Dela: Let this be in memory of Donald Michie as Turing’s contemporary and our dear colleague, and the extreme genius Alan Turing that marked the lives of every human in the world as hardly anybody. JSI, AMT
Fame Mozart, Einstein 40 millions / Invented modern computing and artificial intelligence. „Einstein“ of computer science ACM Turing award Equivalent to Nobel prize Street in Manchester (City) JSI, AMT Alan Turing 4 millions / 1677 Most people on streets not familiar (modest improvement since centenary events) Lady Gaga 400 millions
The meaning The meaning 14 In most of the devices around you there are one to tens of TMs. One of the people that best influenced the progress of human civilization. Like Einstein. JSI, AMT
Alan Mathison Turing Alan Mathison Turing 15JSI, AMT Thank you