Constantinople—it was changed because when the Ottomans (a Muslim Empire) took over the land, they did not want their capital city to be named after a Christian (Constantine the Great).
Great Britain and France were given the mandates by the League of Nations and they divided up the land that used to be the Ottoman Empire
ARTIFICIAL BOUNDARIES! They divided the Middle East without regard for ethnic/religious diversity or for the people who actually lived there. Also, some groups felt left out of the new boundary lines and started rebellions.
To divide the former Ottoman territory into new, independent countries. The Europeans determined when this would occur.
This was a secret document/agreement between Great Britain, France, and Russia that divided up the former Ottoman territory between those countries. They had a plan to divide the land BEFORE the war was even over!
They gained important cities and control of trade routes They trained a strong slave army—The Janissaries They had land, power, and wealth They developed gunpowder and advanced weapons They had centralized power, family rule, and strong leaders
Economic problems/debt to Europe Refusal to modernize The Janissaries became too expensive to maintain They were fearful of change and Western influences They would not use the printing press, allow foreign languages to be studied, or allow foreign embassies They joined the Germans on the losing side of WWI
It divided up the former Ottoman territory into new countries that were to be given their independence by the British/French later on. The land was divided without regard for ethnic/religious diversity in that area. Conflicts still arise because minority groups are exploited/ignored/persecuted by the majority.