Making the Case for Interregional Transmission Projects: Evaluation of Benefits and Allocation of Costs Jose Fernando Prada Engineering & Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University Marija D. Ilić Electrical & Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University 33 rd USAEE/IAEE North American Conference Pittsburgh, October 28, 2015
Overview Role and Challenges of Interregional Transmission - IRT (Cross-Border Transmission, CBT) Integrated Methodology to Evaluate Benefits and Allocate Costs of IRT Projects Two Applications using Market Coupling and Coordinated Economic Dispatch Policy Implications 2
The Key Role of Transmission Strong transmission networks increase the reliability of electrical interconnections Adequate transmission is required to support robust and competitive trading in electricity markets Effective integration of utility-scale renewable generation is dependent on availability of transmission Transmission capacity is an increasingly scarce resource Transmission investment has lagged behind at regional and interregional levels 3
US Transmission Policy Open non-discriminatory transmission access FERC’s orders 888/889 (1996) FERC initially relied on economic signals to induce efficient investment on transmission Merchant model proved to be ineffective Result was low pace of transmission investment FERC now promotes centralized regional transmission planning and interregional coordination FERCs Order 1000: cost allocation according to benefits, inclusion of public policy objectives 4
5 US Electric Power Markets Source: FERC US Regional Electricity Markets
Interregional Transmission Projects - ITP Primarily built for reliability purposes, but markets have brought renewed interest on cross-border trading Public policy objectives are nowadays an additional driver New ITPs will serve more than one of these purposes and total benefit should consider their aggregation Valuation of benefits is not straightforward and fair allocation of costs is a challenge Project development affected by “market seams” or “harmonization” issues Big potential benefits but limited development 6
How to make a strong case for Interregional (Cross-Border) Transmission? Objective is to realize full potential of ITP and provide efficient expansion signals (vis-à-vis other alternatives) Need a consistent analytical framework to assess net benefits from tie-lines between regional systems Consider whole range of benefits: economic efficiency, reliability improvements, environmental impact. Cost allocation between parties should follow the “beneficiary pays” principle Calculate net benefit of the project and for each system NPV, B/C or any economic merit measure Recognize distributional effects: identify winners and losers 7
Allocating scarce Interregional capacity The foundation of the proposed approach is a decision on how to use the interconnecting transmission lines How to efficiently allocate scarce interregional transmission capacity? Arguably, short-term market-to-market coordination is superior to bilateral deals We consider two efficient methods to schedule and price efficient interregional energy exchange: Market Coupling Clearing import/export curves Coordinated Economic Dispatch Multi-area OPF On the basis of efficiently coordinated energy exchanges we can measure the benefits of interregional transmission 8
Methodology to evaluate net benefits of ITP 9 We illustrate the methodology with a graphical example: Want to find efficient energy transaction between regions A and B: direction, quantity and price
Import / Export Market 10 Energy Exchange (MWh) Price ($/ MWh) R B A IX: Coordinated Exchange A = System A trading surplus B = System B trading surplus R = Congestion Rent Import-B Export-A
Impacts of interconnected operation and coordinated trading Market Impacts: variation of economic surplus Net trading surplus in each system Transmission congestion rent Reliability Impacts: variation of generation reserves Savings from sharing operating reserves Interregional provision of planning reserves Environmental Impact: variation of generation emissions Social cost of changes in generation emissions Benefits are calculated for each system and transmission costs are then allocated according to accrued benefits 11
Implementation on annual basis 12
Coordinated Economic Dispatch Market coupling is suitable for single price markets and bilateral trading over transmission flowgates Markets with locational prices and multiregional trading require a coordinated economic dispatch Multi-area Optimal Power Flow Measure variations against existing baseline 13 Source: Wood and Wollenberg
Application I – Two areas coupling 14 SYSTEM A SYSTEM B GAGA GBGB DADA DBDB IXIX G A = Generation system A G B = Generation system B D A = Peak demand system A D B = Peak demand system B I X = Power flow from system A to system B
15 ANNUAL BENEFIT / COSTConstrainedUnconstrained Transmission Capacity250 MW400 MW Maket & Reliability Benefits System A (MM$/yr)$ 5.60$ 8.58 System B (MM$/yr)$ 9.50$ Congestion Rent (MM$/yr)$ 6.90$ 0.00 Total M & R Benefit (MM$/yr)$ 22.00$ Transmission Costs System A (MM$/yr)$ 4.63$ 7.00 System B (MM$/yr)$ 7.87$ Total TC (MM$/yr)$ 12.50$ Net M&R Benefit System A (MM$/yr)$ 3.52$ 1.58 System B (MM$/yr)$ 5.98$ 2.94 Total Net M&R Benefit (MM$/yr)$ 9.50$ 4.53 B/C Ratio Environmental Benefits (MM$/yr)$ 6.13$ 9.81 Net M-R-E Benefit (MM$/yr)$ 15.63$ 14.34
Optimal Interregional Transmission Capacity 16
Application II: 2-area 5-bus interconnection, with tie-line expansion 17 1 F45 F12 L5 L3 L2 L4 G4 G3 G2 G System ASystem B 4 Second circuit to be added
Coordinated Trading 18 Node Price ($/MWh) Generation (MW) Load (MW) Price ($/MWh) Generation (MW) Load (MW) Before Transmission ExpansionAfter Transmission Expansion System A Local Local Export 144.1Import Import114.2 Export141.7 System B Local Local Export144.1 Import Import 114.2Export 141.7
Market & Environmental Benefits 19 Benefits ($/h)System ASystem BInterconnection Generation Surplus ,822-2,435 Demand Surplus 5,035 1,7906,825 Congestion Rent -3, ,811 Total Market Environmental Policy Questions : – Is the regional integration a good deal for system A and B? – Net benefit is positive but CO 2 increases, is it acceptable? – Is this a sustainable energy integration policy? Need monetary compensations?
Thanks ! 20
Data Application I DataSystem ASystem B Installed Capacity (MW)4,0002,500 Peak Demand (MW)3,6002,000 Reserves Requirement (MW) Generation Marginal Cost ($/MWh), MC10 + G A / G B /50 Price of Energy ($/MWh) Price of Operating Reserve ($/MW-h) CO 2 marginal emission factor (kg/kWh) CO 2 social cost ($/ton)20.00 Transmission Equivalent Annual Cost $ 50,000 / MW-yr
Data Application II GeneratorType Pmin (MW) Pmax (MW) Generation Cost ($/h) CO 2 emissions (kg/kWh) G1Coal ST P P G3Gas ST P P G2Gas GT P + P G4Gas CCGT P P Load Summer Peak (MW) Winter Peak (MW) L L L L Line Resistance (p.u) Reactance (p.u) Maximum Capacity (MW)