Listening Skills For School Outreach
2 Hearing Refers to the process by which sound waves hit the ear with speed and are transmitted to the brain. It is an unlearned process occurring without conscious effort on our part.
3 Listening Describes a skill which one learns. The process of listening is tuning in or tuning out voices, noise music. It is a conscious choice made about what will receive attention.
4 Art of Listening Listening sounds simple, but becoming a perceptive listener is infinitely more difficult than becoming an eloquent speaker. Are you really listening or hearing?
5 Active Listening Active listening skills help us to learn how the other person sees the situation and what they need in order to resolve a disagreement. We often forget that others cannot read our mind and that if we are to be understood, we must communicate clearly. Active listening does not mean we agree with the other person, it means that we are trying to understand how he/she sees the situation. By using active listening, we can often find that our own needs as well as needs of the other person can be more fully satisfied.
6 Lag Time Must of us speak at the rate of 100 to 150 words per minute. Some speak slower at only 80 or 90 per minute, and others gust up to 170 words per minute. We can listen at the rate of 450 to 600 words per minute. This means we can think five times faster than we can talk.
7 The question is if you are listening to someone speaking 100 words per minute and your can listen at close to 600 words. What is your mind doing the rest of the time?
8 Non Verbal Statistics Words:7% Tone & Gestures:38% Facial expressions :55%
9 INFORMATION MODEL Speaker Listening Perception Assumptions Communication Style EVENT
10 Listening Skills 1. Hearing 2. Understanding 3. Judging
11 Hearing Listening enough to catch what the speaker is saying, If you can repeat a fact from the speaker, then you have heard what has been said.
12 Understanding Take what you have heard and understand it in your own way. Try to paraphrase or summarize the speaker’s facts.
13 Judging After you are sure you understand the speaker, ask yourself if it makes sense. Question the fact or the point
14 Tips for being a good listener Give your full attention to the speaker Make sure your mind is focused Let the speaker finish before you begin to talk Let your self finish listening before you begin to speak Listen for main ideas Ask questions Give feedback
15 Indeed, listening is an important skill to have in life. However, you must also be careful not to end up listening to the wrong things. Gossip, for example, is one of them. Thoughts
16 Don’t be part of that group of people who don’t care about what others think. Be the person who listens. Be the person who can make a difference. In Closing…
Thank you for the opportunity