Improving Your Listening Skills How to be an Active Listener
Active Listening ► ► Good listening skills are important in school the workplace day-to-day living ► ► Yet most of us receive very little training in effective listening.
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7 Ways to Improve Your Listening ►►H►►Here are 7 strategies and suggestions to help you improve your listening skills. 11.) Increase your listening span: ►►T►►Try to resist the temptation to interrupt. ►►M►►Make sure the speaker has had a complete chance to make his or her point before you speak. ►►I►►If you don't get the whole message, ask the speaker to repeat what they said.
Ways to Improve Your Listening ►►2►►2.) Take time to listen: DDon't put obvious limitations on your listening time - the speaker will feel rushed. ►►3►►3.) Listen between the lines: DDon't just listen to what is being said. TTry to understand the attitudes, needs and motives behind the words.
Ways to Improve Your Listening ► ► 4.) Give your full attention: Nodding or interjecting occasionally to clarify a point lets the speaker know you are interested. If the speaker pauses briefly, don't rush to fill the silence. Use open-ended questions to encourage elaboration.
Ways to Improve Your Listening ► ► 5.) Restate the message: When you are sure that the speaker has finished, restate the main points. This is a good organizing strategy for you. It also gives the speaker assurance that the message has been received.
Ways to Improve Your Listening ► ► 6.) Listen for ideas as well as facts: A good listener makes an effort to understand what the facts add up to. ► ► 7.) Don't monopolize: Resist the urge to dominate a situation or to feel that you know everything about a situation. Be open to new ideas and allow the speaker to have his or her say.