The term communication implies a minimum of two people One to create a meaningful message and one to recreate that message The listening context, setting or social situation is really important in helping us to work out the meaning and interpret what we hear. Who and where are the people? How are they communicating?
Listening is an essential skill for communication It is necessary to understand what we hear in order o keep a conversation with someone or to express opinions about something Communicating in real-language situations, listening occupies an important position To communicate with native speakers, sts must first learn to understand enough in real language situations
Ability to follow the general trend of what is said (background knowledge) Ability to understand specific details Ability to understand the speaker’s intention (why did he/she say that?) Ability to understand the speaker’s attitude (how did he/she felt?) Ability to understand and confirm expectations (students can make guesses about what they are going to hear.) p
Listening is not a ‘passive” skill but a “receptive” skill. It requires as much attention and mental activity as speaking Listening to get general overview of the main story or message Listening to catch specific details such as names, numbers, addresses, etc.
Discrimination: Ability to distinguish all the sounds, intonation patterns and voice qualities in the second language and to discriminate between them and similar sounds in the native tongue. Perception: With maximum concentration the perception of an entire message produced by a speaker Auditory memory: Ability to hold that message in one’s auditory memory until it can be processed Comprehension: The listener processes what the speaker has said to comprehend the meaning
The process of recreating meaning continues in a series of expectations, predictions, samples and verifications until the entire message is understood.
What is the purpose of the task? What listening skills will be practiced? Is the task suitable for the learners’ level? What language do students need in order to do the task (key vocabulary)? How can I create interest in the listening text?
Three main stages in a listening skills lesson PRE-LISTENING (WHILE) LISTENING POST-LISTENING