Deborah Goff Literacy Facilitator for Rogers Public Schools
Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus – K Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge – 1 Stephanie’s Ponytail - 2 Amos and Boris – 3/4 Every Living Thing: Slower Than the Rest - 4 The Graduation of Jake Moon: The Twist – 5
This is an acronym for the elements of speaking we need to help students develop starting in Kindergarten: P - Poise V - Voice L - Life E – Eye Contact G - Gestures S - Speed
As I was walking, I heard a small voice. I looked all around. “Down here!” said the voice. And there by my foot was the smallest person ever. Two inches tall. I bent down and picked him up and he stood on my hand. “Who are you?” I asked.
They were huge--bigger than a car, even bigger than a house. Suddenly there were three more of them. My heart started beating so fast I thought it was going to burst. I looked around for a place to hide. The killer hamburgers were after me.
Eye Contact
Wiki-How: How to Do a Presentation in Class in-Classhttp:// in-Class
Blauman, Leslie and Burke, Jim. The Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded – What They Say, What They Mean, How to Teach Them (K-2 and 3-5) Palmer, Erik. Now Presenting… from Educational Leadership, November, 2014 Palmer, Erik. Well-Spoken Palmer, Erik. Teaching the Core Skills of Listening and Speaking Stuart, Dave: public-speaking-acronym/ public-speaking-acronym/