Romantic poets Keats, Blake, Shelley
John Keats Died of ___________ at the age of _____. Died of ___________ at the age of _____. Apprenticed to study ___________, and completed his medical studies, but decided at age 21 to become a ___________ instead (before he could become legally licensed). Apprenticed to study ___________, and completed his medical studies, but decided at age 21 to become a ___________ instead (before he could become legally licensed). Only had ___________ years of writing full-time to make his mark as one of England’s major poets. Only had ___________ years of writing full-time to make his mark as one of England’s major poets. His epitaph: “Here lies one whose name was writ in ___________.” His epitaph: “Here lies one whose name was writ in ___________.”
William Blake Most of his readers/viewers considered his poetry ___________, confused, or mad. Most of his readers/viewers considered his poetry ___________, confused, or mad. Provided ___________ for most of his poems. Provided ___________ for most of his poems. ___________ much of his poetry himself, using ___________ methods he had created. ___________ much of his poetry himself, using ___________ methods he had created. His poetry and art reflect his fascination with the _______ and his struggle to find answers to ___________ questions that disturbed him. His poetry and art reflect his fascination with the _______ and his struggle to find answers to ___________ questions that disturbed him. Some of his poems cry out against the ___________ problems he saw in his world. Some of his poems cry out against the ___________ problems he saw in his world.
Blake: Innocence & Experience Published Songs of I ___________ and Songs of ___________ together (two contrary states of the human ___________ ). Published Songs of I ___________ and Songs of ___________ together (two contrary states of the human ___________ ). Innocence – a state of _______ love and naïve ________ toward all _________, accompanied by _________ belief in the Christian doctrine. Innocence – a state of _______ love and naïve ________ toward all _________, accompanied by _________ belief in the Christian doctrine. Experience – a profound ______________ with human nature and ___________ ; one sees ___________ and ___________ but is unable to imagine a way out. Experience – a profound ______________ with human nature and ___________ ; one sees ___________ and ___________ but is unable to imagine a way out. For Blake, the world was more easily understood by the creative ___________ than by ___________ and ___________. For Blake, the world was more easily understood by the creative ___________ than by ___________ and ___________.
Mary Shelley Daughter of two celebrated ___________ and ___________ thinkers. Daughter of two celebrated ___________ and ___________ thinkers. Married the great Romantic poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley. Married the great Romantic poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley. Wrote ___________ at age ______. Wrote ___________ at age ______. Troubled life: mother died shortly after her birth, only ___________ of her children survived infancy, suffered a __________, husband ___________ while sailing shortly before she turned ____. Troubled life: mother died shortly after her birth, only ___________ of her children survived infancy, suffered a __________, husband ___________ while sailing shortly before she turned ____.