Autograder Better management and evaluation of lab assignments
Project goals -Improve feedback to students -Follow student progress in real time -Better basis for evaluation/grading -Training in industrial tools
Student Features -GitHub repositories (private) - Work on own machine - Commit and push changes to GitHub -Instantaneous feedback - When it is most useful - Iterate -Track their own progress
For Teachers -Simplified lab management - Create lab assignments on GitHub -Teachers: Fill in content - Lab assignments - Create skeleton code and test cases (hard work) - Test script (very simple) -Track progress of the students -Automatic evaluation
Autograder technologies -Test-driven Development -Custom built Continuous Integration environment -Clean virtual OS (Docker) each time - Security feature -Integrated with GitHub
An inside peek
@ University of Stavanger -Successfully used in Distributed Systems - 40% checked by Autograder (core of Paxos) - 60% open to student interpretation -Additional evaluation - In-lab demo to approve lab assignment - Lab exam
Experience -Feedback is essential -Not only feedback, but correct feedback -Faster focus on course material -Know progress of each student/group -Easier to grade each student
Future Extensions -Cheat detection -Automated test case generation -More Gamification -General improvements
Demo and Download Demo: Download: -Open source. Contributions welcome!
Questions? “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see” - Alexandra K. Trenfor