Players are just the programmers ◦ No management Stories are broken in tasks ◦ Tasks are recorded on index cards Programmers accept responsibility for tasks Programmers estimate the time required for each task (perfect programming days/hours) Programmers test and implement tasks using pair programming
Exploration Phase ◦ Write a task ◦ Split/combine a task
Commitment Phase ◦ Accept a task Programmer volunteers to accept responsibility for a task Estimate a task The programmer who has accepted responsibility for a task estimates the time required to complete it (usually in perfect days or perfect programming hours) Set load factors What percentage of the available time will you work on your tasks? Balancing Determine how well the available time matches the estimated task time for each individual – redistribute as necessary
Steering Phase ◦ Implement a task Use pair programming Use test-driven development Record Progress ◦ Keep track how much time has been spent on each task Recovery ◦ Reduce task scope of task/story ◦ Remove non-essential tasks ◦ Get more/better help ◦ Ask customer to defer some stories