Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay questions, 10 questions graded. Three (3) hours for taking the exam Link of the week Review week thirteen lab assignment Next lab assignment Previous Lab Assignment Grading answers for final exam Upcoming deadlines
Review week thirteen lab assignment The Apache HTTP server must be instructed to locate the CGI scripts. Two pieces of information are needed to execute your CGI script. 1) A program in that directory to be used as a CGI script. 2) A link in an HTML page to your CGI script. Need to provide a URL that points to the CGI script. ( i.e )
Next Lab Assignment CGI Script Use declaration Format: use CGI start_html displays the name of the script top left corner of browser start_form returns a tag with optional method, action, and form encoding that you specify Submit button sends all of the form information to the CGI program specified by the ACTION attribute. Without the button the form will be useless since it will never reach the CGI script.
Previous Lab Assignment Filter A filter generally reads input for stdin and manipulates the data and outputs the result to stdout. Most common filters are listed below. awkcatcut compressgrephead prsortsplit tailwctr
Previous Lab Assignment Perl Modules Reason modules were created. usesyntax Getopt::Std provides two functions getopt and getopts
Grading answers for final exam Kernel functions can be categorized into two broad types: Spontaneous * Reactive * Passive Aggressive
Break Out Problems Unix commands: fg bg $! uname –n id df du
Upcoming deadlines Programming Assignment 3, 14-1 is due April 14 Final Exam, 15-1 will be administered April Don’t forget to turn in your course evaluations.
Presentation Schedule Students Signed up to present on Dec 5: Alexander GreweWinSCP Gary ChaffinWordPress James CusanoOpen Office Tyler DorstenGoogle Chrome Lisa GrotskyNyagua Timothy LewisOpen Ticket Request System David RettigApache Ron SagleFileZilla Scott SpriggsPencil Mike TaylorJoomla Kim VeatchFireFox Ron WallPfSense
Week Fourteen Conclusion Let me know when you plan on taking the final Your final exam status will be posted at: al_Status_Fall11.htm al_Status_Fall11.htm Final grades must be submitted prior to the close of business April 19 (Noon).