F INAL E XAM R EVIEW G AME T HE ANSWERS ARE IN R ED ! English School Year Hopefully, this is your grade! …and not this!
Q. 1 GRAMMAR: Parts of Speech A person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with within a sentence. subject
Q. 2 GRAMMAR: Parts of Speech A word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence verb
Q. 3 GRAMMAR: Subject-Verb Agreement Measles ____________ a serious childhood disease. A. isB. are
Q. 4 GRAMMAR: Subject/Verb Agreement The #1 rule for Subject/Verb Agreement is…”the subject must agree with its verb in person and in _______________”. number
Q. 5 The stories about the old house _____________________ very frightening. A. seem B. seems
Q. 6 Each of us ___________ the potential to do well on this exam. A. hasB. have
Q. 7 GRAMMAR: Parts of Speech A ____________is a word that takes the place of a noun, a group of words acting as a noun, or another pronoun. Pronoun
Q. 8 GRAMMAR: Parts of Speech An ______________ is the word or group of words to which a pronoun refers. antecedent
Q. 9 Anyone can get __________ name in the news. A. his/herB. their
Q. 10 The band starts ____________ tour tomorrow night. A. itsB. their
Q. 11 Select the choice with the correct order of a PLOT sequence. a. 1) Falling Action 2) Rising Action 3) Exposition 4) Climax 5) Resolution b. 1) Rising Action 2) Falling Action 3) Climax 4) Exposition 5) Resolution c. 1) Exposition 2) Rising Action 3) Climax 4) Falling Action 5) Resolution d. 1) Exposition 2) Rising Action 3) Falling Action 4) Climax 5) Resolution
Q. 12 What is the repetition of the same consonant sounds at the beginnings of neighboring words? A simileB. alliteration C. metaphor D. personification
Q. 13 What is the use of language that evokes the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch? A. IronyB. alliteration C. imagery D. allusion
Q. 14 What is a message or insight about life that the author communicates in a literary work? A. metaphor B. theme C. simile D. tone
Q. 15 A reference to a well-known text (book, play, poem, song), event, or person within a text is a/an ___________________. A. simile B. personification C. metaphorD. allusion
Q. 16 The author’s attitude toward his/her subject is the ____________. A. toneB. mood C. themeD. allusion
Q. 17 What type of irony is used when the audience knows more than one or more characters (used to create humor, suspense, or tension)? A. verbal B. dramatic C. situational
Q. 18 What is FLAT vs. ROUND characterization? A flat character is one-dimensional in terms of personality and does not demonstrate a variety of emotions. A round character’s personality is 3-dimensional and interesting like a real person; therefore, he/she demonstrates a variety of moods and emotions.
Q. 19 What is DYNAMIC vs. STATIC characterization? A dynamic character changes as a result of the story’s action while a static character does not.
Q. 20 RESEARCH WRITING What is the purpose of a thesis statement in a formal paper? A. to grab the audience’s attention B. to provide the audience with an organizational plan C. to inform the audience how it should think about a topic D. to get an audience to take action
Q. 21 Which of the following is NOT a choice for what belongs within a parenthetical citation? a. book title and page number b. the complete URL and page number c. author’s last name and page number d. article title and page number
Q. 22 The most important thing concerning the Works Cited page is that a. it is reverse-indented b. it is alphabetized c. it is double spaced d. each source must be cited in the essay
Q. 23 In FICTION, which point of view would be demonstrated with the following sentence? John laughed hollowly. “You’re joking,” he said, wondering how on earth he would ever get over this. 3 rd person omniscient p-o-v
Time for Random Questions!
Q. 24 In FICTION, which point of view would be demonstrated with the following sentence? “As not to wake the sleeping newborn, I tiptoed lightly through the dimly lit hallway to reach my large comfortable queen-sized bed.” First person p-o-v
Q. 25 Name at least three things that EVERY POEM HAS. Tone Mood Imagery A turning point Form (style) Symbolism (most likely) Figurative language
Q. 26 What are the four purposes of writing? To inform To persuade To entertain To inspire
Q. 27 If you are reading a piece of non-fiction and you do not immediately know a word, what should you do? Look at context clues Look for roots, prefixes or suffixes with which you are familiar
Q. 28 How does a reader differentiate between fact and opinion? Facts are usually backed up with credible sources and opinions are not
B REAKDOWN OF E NGLISH 10 F INAL E XAM 18 grammar 17 literary/poetic devices 5 about a fictional piece (excerpt of short story) 5 about Research Writing 5 about a poem 6 about a non-fiction piece (newspaper article) 60 Questions Total 10% of your 4 th 9 weeks’ grade