Review for Final Exam – cs411/511 Definitions (5 questions, 2 points each) Algorithm Analysis (3 questions, 3 points each) General Questions (3 questions, 2 points each) Programming Questions (3 questions, 5 points each) Hash Tables (2 questions, 5 points each) Stacks, Queues, Lists, Search, and Sort (2 questions, 5 points each) Binary Trees (2 questions, 5 points each) Balanced Trees (2 questions, 5 points each) Multiway Trees and External Storage (2 questions, 5 points each) Graph Algorithms (2 questions, 5 points each)
Definitions Algorithm Analysis Definitions –Review all of the definitions discussed in class –Review the previous quiz answers Algorithm Analysis –Review all of the complexities that we discussed –Consider best case, worst case, and average case –Be able to explain why an algorithm has a given complexity
General Questions Programing General Questions –Review all of the previous quizzes –Review tradeoffs between data structures and algorithms as discussed in class –Review key parts of algorithms –Review situations for which certain structures or algorithms apply Programming code –Be able to declare nodes for each data structure –Be able to show code for basic methods relating to linked lists, stacks, queues, sorts searches, and heaps
Hash Tables Stacks/Queues/Lists/Search/Sort Hash Tables –Be able to insert elements into hash tables using linear probing, quadratic probing, secondary probing –Be able to show separate chaining in pseudo code Stacks/Queues/Lists/Search/Sort –Thoroughly understand: push, pop, insert, remove, find algorithms –Thoroughly understand binary and linear search, insertion/selection/bubble/quick sort/heap sort/merge sort algorithms
Binary Trees Balanced Trees Binary Trees –Find, Insertion, deletion, find max, find min, find successor, find predecessor –In-order, post-order, pre-order traversals –Heap creation, trickle-down, trickle-up, remove min, adjust min, insert, remove Balanced Trees –AVL, Splay, Red-Black Algorithms for insertion
Multiway Trees Graph Algorithms Multiway Trees –B-trees, trees Graph Algorithms –Kruskal and Prim spanning tree algorithms –Dykstra’s shortest path algorithm –Topological sorts –Breadth First and Depth First Search –Approaches to Represent graphs in memory