The punk subculture is centred on a loud, aggressive genre of rock music called punk rock. It is usually played by small bands consisting of a vocalist, one or two electric guitarists, an electric bassist and a drummer. Where does it derive from?
Sex Pistols
Fashion Safety pins Ripped jeans Bin liners Tartan/plaid Leather, rubber and vinyl clothing S&M Doc Martens, Converse and Brothel Creepers Coloured spikey hair
Attitudes Notable trends in punk politics: Anarchism individualism socialism anti-militarism anti-capitalism anti-racism anti-sexism anti-nationalism anti-homophobia environmentalism vegetarianism animal rights veganism Gender and gender expression: Punks liked to shock through political statements, making others feel uncomfortable. For example: gender representation, where a man can look like a woman and a woman look like a man. Conversely, the masculine nature of punk allowed many women to recreate an almost farcical masculinity by using their female bodies in the same way men tended to use theirs. Punk women could be filthy and horrible and use their femininity to make what they were doing even more shocking to their audience.